Vince Avedon - 9/5/04

This page was last updated on September 5, 2004.

  Bush is a divider; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; September 5, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“On Sept. 11, 2001, French President Chirac proclaimed, ‘Today the entire world is an American.’  All people of the world shared our feelings.  All parts of America united in the spirit that made this country respected.  I was never so proud to be an American.

“I believe that same spirit continues in each of us no matter how many times I hear others label me un-American.  I will continue to proudly salute Old Glory and fight to my last breath for my country.”

[RWC] If you believe “all people of the world shared our feelings,” you live in a fantasy world.  You need to distinguish between words and true feelings.  If you believe Chirac meant what he said, I believe you are gullible.  The fact is, many of those who proclaimed “outrage” really believed we deserved what we got.

“The world knew that Osama bin Laden was the root cause of 9/11 and they were willing to stand by our side to bring him to justice.  Bush, instead, negligently invaded Iraq at the cost of 1,000 American lives.  I firmly believe that with the help of the world, the bin Laden issue would be over.”

[RWC] It is not a “bin Laden issue.”  Mr. Avedon, do you seriously believe the capture and/or death of bin Laden will end terrorism against the United States and our allies?

“Our nation has no moral or legal authority to invade any country we do not happen to like.  Iraq was not a democracy.  But neither are Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Cuba, Sudan, Burma, the UAE, North Korea, Bahrain and Iran.”

[RWC] What the named countries have in common is that none are currently a perceived military threat to the United States.  Just because a country is not a democracy does not make it a threat.

“Hussein was a brutal dictator, but he was not the root cause of 9/11.  Once we start to overthrow selective leaders, we send a message to others.  Acquire nuclear weapons like North Korea and Pakistan and the United States will not touch you.

[RWC] Newsflash to Mr. Avedon, we didn’t attack Iraq because of 9/11.  Read House Joint Resolution 114.  When we attack someone, it’s because there is a perceived threat.

“Bush has isolated us from our allies.  He is responsible for veterans calling other veterans un-American, widening the divide between the haves and the have-nots, and the escalated hate between gays and straights.  He is responsible because he has the power of the presidency to lead and unite.

[RWC] From which true allies did President Bush isolate us?  What about Australia, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland, South Korea, and about 40 others who join us in Iraq?  There are even more in Afghanistan.  Are we not isolated only when everyone is on our side?

I didn’t know some veterans were calling other veterans un-American.  The only exceptions I can think of are the Vietnam vets who didn’t like John Kerry calling them rapists, torturers, et cetera simply to promote his political agenda.  That has nothing to do with President Bush.

I don’t know how President Bush widened “the divide between the haves and have-nots.”  Without supporting proof, this is nothing more than Democrat talking points boilerplate.

I didn’t know there was “escalated hate” between homosexuals and heterosexuals.  The vast majority of Americans and I oppose the concept of homosexual “marriage,” but I don’t hate homosexuals.

“Bush could be basking in a landslide victory this year if he captured bin Laden.  Bush could easily enjoy four more years if he did not divide us.  Bush is facing another close election by isolating us from the world and dividing Americans.”

[RWC] What a crock!  If we captured Osama bin Laden, Mr. Avedon would likely claim President Bush had him tied up in the White House basement for the past couple of years just waiting for the right time to announce his capture.

While we’re on the subject of “dividers,” I’ll remind Mr. Avedon that President Clinton won re-election with only 49% of the vote.  I guess he was a divider too.

“This is not what I expect from our president.”

[RWC] I expect our president to be a leader, and George Bush has led us.

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.