Vince Avedon – 4/29/05

This page was last updated on May 1, 2005.

‘Bring on the guillotine’; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; April 29, 2005.

I was waiting for a letter writer to step into the Abe Fortas trap.  I was not surprised it was Vince Avedon who jumped in with both feet.  I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial was Mr. Avedon’s source.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The reason the Republicans despise the French is that they know the history of the French Revolution and the result when one group seizes absolute power.”

[RWC] Why go back to the 1700s and a foreign country?  We can remember the Democrat Party right here at home from the early 1930s to the mid-1990s.  For 34 years of that time, liberals controlled all three branches of government.  For nearly all that time, liberals controlled the judicial and legislative branches.

It was during this time we were saddled with Socialist Security, Medicare, welfare, “Great Society” programs, and so on.

On a side note, I don’t despise the French.  I’m certainly disappointed at their actions, but France is a socialist country so their behavior is no surprise.  That said, I believe the American mainstream press breeds a lot of French – and other international – animosity toward the U.S.  After all, if Frenchmen constantly read mainstream American publications bashing the U.S., how would they know any different?

“U.S. Sen. Bill Frist claims that this filibuster is un-American and un-Christian.  Is he also saying that when the Republicans filibustered Abe Fortas to the judiciary, they as Republicans were un-American and un-Christian?”

[RWC] I did a Google search for “Bill Frist” and “un-American.”  Though I received no hits in which Bill Frist used this language, I received numerous hits in which prominent Democrats used this language to describe Republicans.  The same was true for “Bill First” and “un-Christian.”

Regarding Abe Fortas, here’s what Mr. Avedon conveniently failed to mention some important facts.

Mr. Avedon claimed “Republicans filibustered Abe Fortas to the judiciary.”  Not exactly.  The Senate easily confirmed Fortas to sit on the Supreme Court in 1965.

Republicans – joined by some Democrats – did filibuster Fortas’ promotion from associate justice to chief justice in late 1968.  I’m sure it was an honest oversight that Mr. Avedon failed to mention some Democrats joined the filibuster. <g>  Democrat participation is borne out by the fact that a cloture vote was 45 for/43 against and Democrats held a 64 to 36 advantage in the Senate at the time.

Based on his actions as a sitting justice, Justice Fortas had no business remaining on the Court, let alone becoming Chief Justice.

Here’s an excerpt from the Senate web site on the issue.

“Fortas became the first sitting associate justice, nominated for chief justice, to testify at his own confirmation hearing.  Those hearings reinforced what some senators already knew about the nominee.  As a sitting justice, he regularly attended White House staff meetings; he briefed the president on secret Court deliberations; and, on behalf of the president, he pressured senators who opposed the war in Vietnam.”

Based on this behavior, I don’t believe Mr. Fortas should have remained an associate justice, let alone be promoted to chief justice.  Can you imagine the justifiable uproar we’d have today if we learned a Supreme Court justice regularly attended White House staff meetings, briefed the president on secret Court deliberations, and, on behalf of the president, pressured legislators to support Bush administration policies?  The same group who defended Mr. Fortas’ appointment are the same folks today talking about an independent judiciary.

The above actions weren’t Justice Fortas’ only problems.  A potential impeachment due to financial improprieties after his original appointment in 1965 convinced Justice Fortas to resign in early 1969.

“Kimberly Crisi (‘GOP is right on judges,’ Monday) should learn her history before she tows [sic] the Republican line like the rest of the cognitive cripples.”

[RWC] Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.  On a nitpicking note, I could be wrong, but I suspect Mr. Avedon meant “toe” the line, not “tow” the line.

Given the above history, before the next time Mr. Avedon admonishes a letter writer to “learn her history,” let’s hope he follows his own advice.

Mr. Avedon may also want to reconsider calling others “cognitive cripples.”  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

“The Senate under this administration has approved 205 Bush judicial appointments.  Is Frist saying these 205 appointments are un-American and un-Christian?”

[RWC] Mr. Avedon fails to note that not all judgeships are created equal.  For example, appellate court judges have more “power” than trial judges.  That’s because appellate courts can overturn trial court rulings.  The further up the appellate court chain you are, the greater your power.  The appellate courts are where we tend to see “judicial activism” or “legislation from the bench.”

Mr. Avedon also fails to note all 10 “filibustered” nominees were for appellate courts.  That’s 20% of the 50 judges President Bush nominated for appellate courts.

Here’s a point that is missed too often.  Judicial nominees would still need a majority vote to be confirmed and it’s been reported that most – perhaps all – of the nominees would win bipartisan – though not unanimous – support.

“Heck no, because the Republicans want absolute control of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.  This is nothing but an opportunity to seize complete power.  Every American should be scared to death of their attempts.  Bring on the guillotine.”

[RWC] As I noted above, Democrats had “absolute control of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government” for 34 years between the 1930s and 1990s.  I wonder how many letters Mr. Avedon wrote decrying that situation.

Regarding “Bring on the guillotine,” ever notice how it’s usually those peace-loving liberals/Marxists/progressives/socialists who first speak of and resort to violence?

“Once the balance of power is stolen from us under the guise of Christianity, we all will be goose-stepping.  It was Jesus who said, ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render unto God what is God’s.’”

[RWC] Again, Mr. Avedon needs to study – and/or face up to – history.  When he refers to “goose-stepping,” I suspect Mr. Avedon refers to Nazis.  Nazis were socialists, on the same end of the economic, political, and social spectrum as Mr. Avedon.  No, I’m not calling Mr. Avedon a Nazi.

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