Vince Avedon – 9/18/05

This page was last updated on September 19, 2005.

Gulf Coast genocide; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; September 18, 2005.

As you read this, remember Mr. Avedon once wrote that a high school student who showed interest in enlisting in the Marines as a “was probably brought up to be a two-faced traitor to his country.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I used to think that he tried and failed miserably, but seeing George Bush on TV the other day I concluded that he was definitely a child left behind without the ability to try.

“To hear Bush say that ‘New Orleans needs to get de-waterized’ and to refer to Katrina as ‘Carina’ proves my point.”

[RWC] Mr. Avedon is truly sad.  Regarding “de-waterized” or de-watered, blame the Corps of Engineers.  That’s their term for draining the water from New Orleans.  Regarding “Carina,” Mr. Avedon can’t even get his facts straight.  A Google search found a bunch of leftist websites crediting Laura Bush with this slip of the tongue.  None of them attributed the slip to President Bush.  Besides, if you need to sink to slips of the tongue to criticize someone, you are sad indeed.

“As reported in The Wall Street Journal, I’m sure he is satisfied with leaving others speak for him.  Especially when Rep. Richard Baker, a Republican, told a lobbyist, ‘We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans.  We couldn’t do it, but God did.’  After all, there was no comment or condemnation from any Republican on those remarks.

“Just a few months ago, we all saw Santorum in Florida displaying his ‘sanctity of life’ values in the Schiavo case.  Santorum’s absence in New Orleans demonstrates to me his lack of value for African-American life.  It surely wasn’t for lack of TV cameras because they were at both places.  Neither was there any condemnation about Pat Robertson’s comments about assassinating foreign leaders.”

[RWC] Is Mr. Avedon telling us blacks don’t live in Florida?

We have another research flaw by Mr. Avedon.  The State Department said, “his [Robertson] comments are inappropriate” and “do not represent the views of the United States.” Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole called Robertson’s comment stupid and ludicrous.  Beyond that, why should anyone condemn Robertson?  If members of both parties spent time condemning people for saying stupid things, they’d never get anything done.  Hey, maybe that’s not a bad idea! <g>

“At another photo op, Bush proudly tells us that, ‘Brownie is doing a heck of a job.’  Three days later, he accepts the former FEMA director’s resignation.  Sounds like a flip-flop to me.”

[RWC] Whether you believe in a person or not, does it make sense to bash him before you have his replacement in place?  Think, Mr. Avedon, think!

“The lesson every one of us should learn from Katrina is that we are on our own.  Five days without food and water for our own citizens is beyond disgrace.  And to think that 51 percent of us bought into his ‘safer America’ baloney.”

[RWC] We won’t be confident of the full story for months, but current news reports are that the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security (not affiliated with the federal DHS) prohibited the delivery of food, water, hygiene products, et cetera into New Orleans because they wanted to give the stranded no reason to stay.

“Bush’s third term should be in prison for the Gulf Coast genocide, yet some probably believe this is not as important as a stain on a blue dress.”

[RWC] I wasn’t a big fan of the Lewinsky thing, but folks like Mr. Avedon don’t get it.  Bill Clinton got in legal trouble by lying under oath, not for cheating on his wife with a subordinate in the Oval Office.

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