Vince Avedon – 4/16/06

This page was last updated on April 17, 2006.

Good fences, good neighbors; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; April 16, 2006.

As you read this, remember Mr. Avedon once wrote that a high school student who showed interest in enlisting in the Marines as a “was probably brought up to be a two-faced traitor to his country.”

Given Mr. Avedon’s knee-jerk criticism of all things Republican and President Bush, I can’t take this letter seriously.  I believe if we were controlling our borders and enforcing our immigration laws, Mr. Avedon would have written a letter complaining.

Finally, I believe we need to control our borders and send back all illegal aliens.  Businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens should be prosecuted.  The point of this critique is to demonstrate Mr. Avedon’s letter isn’t really about illegal aliens.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I’m certain there are many like me (Democrat and Republican alike) whose ancestors immigrated to America the legal way.

“They waited in line, went by the rules, worked menial jobs, paid income tax, learned English, had a sponsor to guarantee trustworthiness, paid their own medical expenses, and never would ask to be paid under the table or ask for welfare.

“The problem, as I see it, is the greedy business person who intentionally hires the illegal to avoid paying into Social Security and workman’s compensation.  After all, they are the ones complaining about taxes.  They entice the illegals and are the root of the problem.”

[RWC] Only businesspersons complain about taxes?

While it’s clearly true a lot of businesses knowingly hire illegal aliens, I disagree the businesses entice illegal aliens.  You’ll notice Mr. Avedon apparently believes neither Mexico nor the illegal aliens should shoulder any of the blame.  When $5.15/hour “entices” someone to risk his life crossing the desert, there’s a problem at home in Mexico.

I wonder if Mr. Avedon ever considered it might be his beloved socialist government benefits that “entice” illegal aliens?  I wonder if Mr. Avedon ever considered the fact that some liberal state and local governments passed statutes forbidding police officers from enforcing immigration laws “enticed” illegal aliens?

“Additionally, as the executive branch, it’s the responsibility of the Bush Administration to enforce the laws, and it has failed miserably.  Illegals have gone from three to 12 million during the Bush years.”

[RWC] Earth to Mr. Avedon.  The U.S. has not controlled its borders for more than 40 years.  Neither elected Democrats nor Republicans have demonstrated the spine.

Regarding “Illegals have gone from three to 12 million during the Bush years,” that’s not what the Census Bureau says.  According to the 2000 census, there were 8 – 9 million illegal aliens in the U.S.  This doesn’t absolve the lack of border control for the last five years, but I wanted to show Mr. Avedon’s figures were way off.

“No wonder Bush wanted to reform Social Security in a way designed to benefit business.”

[RWC] Huh?  The Socialist Security reforms proposed by Democrats during the Clinton administration and President Bush did not favor business, unless you consider not raising SS taxes favoring business.  For what it’s worth, businesses don’t pay SS taxes though liberal rhetoric is designed to make us believe they do.  In practice, all SS taxes come out of the employee’s paycheck, as they should.

“How did approximately 7,000 illegals get enlisted to serve in Iraq, Mr. President?

“Every business person who hires an illegal, every telephone voice prompt for ‘markel dos pour Espanol,’ and Bush failing to enforce the law is an accomplice in aiding and abetting illegal immigration.”

[RWC] I know this screws up Mr. Avedon’s story, but a lot of private citizens hire illegal aliens.  It’s not just evil businesses.  If Mr. Avedon hired someone to mow his lawn, does anyone believe he would ask to see proof of citizenship?

“I would gladly pay $6 for a head of lettuce because my medical premiums would no longer be subsidizing the 12-plus million illegals.  That $6 would be helping a native-born American or an American who respected the laws and got here legally.”

[RWC] Does anyone believe the first sentence in this paragraph?

“Fences make the best neighbors.”

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