Vince Avedon – 8/9/06

This page was last updated on August 13, 2006.

Bush is out of his league; Vince Avedon; Beaver County Times; August 9, 2006.

As you read this, remember Mr. Avedon once wrote that a high school student who showed interest in enlisting in the Marines as a “was probably brought up to be a two-faced traitor to his country.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In her Monday letter to the editor (‘Bush is right on life issues’), Nancy Hunter suggests that letter writer Jewel Robertson is misinformed (‘Bush doesn’t care about life,’ Aug. 1).

“I suggest she take her own advice in getting the facts correct.  FDR entered into war with Japan, a country that attacked us at Pearl Harbor.”

[RWC] FDR also entered into war with Germany, a country that had not yet attacked us.

“Where is the proof of Iraq’s direct involvement with Sept. 11, 2001?  And don’t even try that lame WMD excuse because if there were WMDs, Bush and Cheney would be dancing the jig on the Fair and Balanced Network, and you know it.”

[RWC] Lest we forget, for eight years Democrats also told us Iraq had WMD, right up to the beginning of the Iraq War.  Though not found in the volume we expected, WMD was found in Iraq and a couple of American soldiers were treated for exposure to mustard gas and sarin in May 2004.

“Bush has been in office six years with both the House and Senate controlled by Republicans.  Where in those six years has there ever been any initiative to repeal Roe v. Wade?  There are no initiatives because in 2006 and 2008 they want to tell you again they are pro-life.”

[RWC] Is it a coincidence that Tom Finch included almost exactly these same words in his letter?

Actually, there has been progress in this area.  For example, remember the ban on partial-birth abortions?  It’s also likely President Bush’s two Supreme Court appointees would not uphold Roe v. Wade.

Note to Mr. Avedon: Since Roe v. Wade is a court ruling, not a federal statute, Congress and the president cannot “repeal” it.

Regarding Congress, there’s nothing it can do short of a constitutional amendment.  Since Republicans don’t hold a greater than 2/3’s majority (not even close) in either House, an amendment would never pass because the vast majority of Democrats and a few pro-abortion Republicans – like Sen. Arlen Specter – would vote against it.

“When Bush said no to stem cell research, all he did was open the door for other countries like Japan, Korea, Canada, Germany and Russia to become leaders in medical technology.”

[RWC] President Bush didn’t veto “stem cell research.”  Taxpayers continue to fund adult stem cell research.  President Bush vetoed only federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.  Nothing stops private funding of embryonic stem cell research.

“Who does Hunter think she is kidding?

“Bush is nothing but a post turtle.  When you’re driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.

“You know he didn’t get there by himself, he doesn’t belong there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, and you just want to help the dolt get down.”

[RWC] Using Mr. Avedon’s own definition, all elected politicians are “post turtles,” even the “post turtles” Mr. Avedon supports.

As I noted elsewhere, if you can argue the issues using facts and logic, why kill your credibility by jumping on name-calling?

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