Joshua Barney – 12/12/10


This page was last updated on December 13, 2010.

Tea Party has run it [sic] course; Joshua Barney; Beaver County Times; December 12, 2010.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In response to Thursday’s letter to the editor ‘T.E.A. is brewing against Altmire,’ I first have to ask, what does T.E.A really stand for?  ‘Terror entering America?’  ‘Trying to end America?’  Maybe it’s the first three letters of ‘tearing America apart?’”

[RWC] I’m sure Mr. Barney knows this, but TEA stands for “taxed enough already.”

I’ll take a wild guess Mr. Barney is a leftist.  I get a kick out of lefties who make similar assertions when a major leftist tactic is to divide people into grievance/victim groups along lines of age, education, ethnicity, income, religion, sex, skin color, wealth, et cetera and then pit them against each other.  Then again, Mr. Barney could be an establishment Republican who doesn’t like the “tea party” movement.

“I don’t think U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire has much to worry about.  He has generally done the right thing by not aligning with political mainstreams, Democratic or Republican.

“One more election and the TEA Party will fade into obscurity.  Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck both have made a bunch of money on book deals by now, so even they’re over it.”

[RWC] This is probably wishful thinking on the part of Mr. Barney.  Mrs. Palin, Mr. Beck, and millions of others supported the underlying principles of the “tea party” long before it became a movement in early 2009.

“But reality TV shows seem to be the mark of a career coming to a failing end.  Maybe the mysterious three letter acronym can have one of those.

“Drink coffee.”

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