Lisa Belczyk – 10/29/08

This page was last updated on October 30, 2008.

Wardrobe is middle class?; Lisa Belczyk; Beaver County Times; October 29, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I know everyone is tired of hearing about Sarah Palin’s clothing allowance, but just one more point.

“The GOP has painted her to be a reformer/hockey mom.  Come on, people.  Since when do middle American hockey moms shop at Neiman-Marcus and Saks?  And to add to it $8,000 in make-up artists.”

[RWC] The clothes don’t belong to Gov. Palin, just as the rest of the stuff used in the campaign.  Does anyone want to bet Gov. Palin would have been criticized for her appearance if it hadn’t been just right?

“I just wonder what is in her closet back in Alaska.  She is a governor.  One would hope there is an appropriate wardrobe for her to wear.”

[RWC] If Ms. Belczyk had paid closer attention, she would know “what is in her [Gov. Palin’s] closet back in Alaska.”  You see, as a result of folks like Ms. Belcyzk, Gov. Palin reports she’s “back to wearing [her] own clothes from [her] favorite consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska.”  According to the LA Times, “The store, Out of the Closet, resells such used, high-end brands as Prada and Gucci at a fraction of their original price.  The look isn’t strikingly different from the pricey RNC version -- the Edith Head spirit still reigns -- but a major-ticket vice presidential candidate who admits to wearing clothing bought secondhand is taking a significant step away from establishment fashion.”

Do you think it would make any difference to Ms. Belczyk to know Gov. Palin normally wears secondhand clothing?  No, I don’t think so either.

“I, for one, now see the light.  Do we all remember when the campaign ads first aired?  Barack Obama was portrayed as a celebrity who was not fit to lead.  Let’s see who is the celebrity now?”

[RWC] I continue to get a kick out of lefties constantly comparing their candidate for President with the Republican candidate for VP.

By the way, when did clothes make someone a celebrity?  If the clothes were so flashy, why didn’t anyone notice until the campaign spending records were released?

“And one more thing.  My name is Joe the plumber and I am voting for Obama.  I am middle class, never taken a handout and I do shop at Wal-mart.”

[RWC] Unless Ms. Belczyk’s parents sent her to a private school, doesn’t use deductions/exemptions when filing her tax returns, and she plans on not partaking in Medicare and Socialist Security, her “never taken a handout” comment is a bit hollow.

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