Velma Berger – 6/20/06

This page was last updated on June 20, 2006.

Troops caught in civil war; Velma Berger; Beaver County Times; June 20, 2006.

This is the latest in a series of at least 11 Bush and Iraqi-bashing letters written by Ms. Berger dating back more than a year.  In her last letter, Ms. Berger told us she was proud of John Murtha.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“The war in Iraq has turned into a civil holy war.  Our brave troops are caught in the middle.  These people didn’t ask us to invade their country.”

[RWC] What is a “civil holy war?”

“Now, with thousands of civilians killed, including many women and children, they are telling us to leave.”

[RWC] Who are “they?”  The Iraqi government has said repeatedly it doesn’t want us to leave until it is ready to handle the country’s security on its own.

“Under one particularly gruesome picture of dead children, a man was quoted as saying, ‘May God take revenge on the Americans and those who brought them here.’”

[RWC] According to the AP, the quote Ms. Berger cited doesn’t go with the picture she described.

“Our troops are faced with this growing hatred each day.”

[RWC] If this is true, why are Iraqis calling tips into coalition forces in increasing numbers?  The operation to track down and kill al-Zarqawi didn’t happen without the help of Iraqis.

“Now, we are fighting in Afghanistan because we didn’t have ‘Mission Accomplished’ there before we invaded Iraq.”

[RWC] Where’s Ms. Berger been?  We’ve been fighting in Afghanistan since we attacked in 2001.  Besides, if we weren’t in Iraq Ms. Berger would be complaining about our presence in Afghanistan.

“The president says he is a uniter, not a divider.  Whatever he is, he should listen to the majority of the people.  The polls show the people want an end to this war.  Bring our troops home.  We now have lost 2,500 servicemen and women.”

[RWC] “The polls show the people want an end to this war?”  No kidding!  What was your first clue?  I could be wrong, but I suspect that would have been true for every war in American history.  No one in his right mind ever wants a war.

“When is enough enough?”

[RWC] When terrorists aren’t trying to kill us.

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