Velma Berger – 8/31/07

This page was last updated on September 4, 2007.

Bring troops home now; Velma Berger; Beaver County Times; August 31, 2007.

This is the latest in a series of at least 22 Bush and Iraqi-bashing letters written by Ms. Berger dating back to February 2005.  In one letter, Ms. Berger told us she was proud of John Murtha.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“Finally, one of the top-ranking GOP senators is willing to stand up to Bush and say, ‘We need a plan for bringing our troops home from Iraq.’

“At least John Warner is open-minded enough to consider a change in policy in Iraq, something this ‘war president’ is unwilling to do.  With Bush, it is either his way or no way.”

[RWC] Note, when she talks about “a change in policy,” Ms. Berger really means doing things her way.  There have been changes in policy, just not the changes Ms. Berger wants.

Regarding “his way or no way,” that’s what being a leader is about.  It’s not about taking a poll.

“I have been a lifelong Democrat, but I am ashamed of the way our Congress has caved into the president’s agenda.”

[RWC] A “lifelong Democrat?”  Given Ms. Berger’s letters, who would have guessed? <g>

“According to the polls, this is the worst president ever.  The only thing worse would be having Dick Cheney as president.

“Congratulations to Warner for taking a stand.  Bring the troops home now.”

[RWC] Have you noticed Ms. Berger never tells us what we’d need to do if we surrendered and brought “the troops home now?”

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