Daniel A. Bosh – 9/23/04

This page was last updated on September 25, 2004.

Don’t believe another lie; Daniel A. Bosh; Beaver County Times; September 23, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“It’s interesting to watch Republicans scramble for excuses for George Bush sitting and biting his lip for seven minutes after he was told about the second World Trade Center tower being struck.

“Some letter writers have even stooped to using French phrases, like savoir-faire, to explain Mr. Bush’s inaction.

“Bush has offered the alibi that he did not want to upset the children.”

[RWC] I think Mr. Bosh is channeling Michael Moore.

If Mr. Bosh believes Republicans are scrambling, what about Democrats?  John Kerry is on the record as saying he couldn’t think for the time between the second crash into the WTC and the crash into the Pentagon, a period of 40 minutes.1  So, even if you buy the “Bush froze” fantasy, Kerry was 5.7 times worse.

“However, Mr. Bush has lied so many times about so many things that there is no reason to believe him, even if one is naive enough to buy such a lame excuse.  He certainly has shown no concern for the children of GIs who have died in Iraq for nothing.

[RWC] Please, Mr. Bosh, list the lies and provide us with factual backup.  Merely repeating Kerry and/or Democrat talking points doesn’t count.

I’d like to meet Mr. Bosh so I could see what a person looks like who would write something so mean spirited and untrue.  How could anyone claim a president doesn’t care about the families a dead GI leaves behind?  What did President Bush do to deserve such demonization?

It may come as a surprise to Mr. Bosh, but most of our armed forces don’t view the war on terrorism as “nothing.”  Apparently Mr. Bosh shows no concern for the GIs or their children or he would not show such disrespect for their mission.

“The simple fact is that Mr. Bush was waiting for someone to come and tell him what to do.  Bush knew something few others knew.  He’s not really the president.  He’s a prop.  He has no leadership skills.  He is a spoiled rich kid born into privilege, who has had everything handed to him, including admittance into a champagne unit of the Air National Guard to keep him out of Vietnam, and he has bungled everything he has touched.  He has always had to be bailed out by some friend of the family.

“So, George W. sat there until someone came and told him it was time to leave.  Fortunately for him, he had people back in Washington able to twist the situation to his political advantage and use it as an excuse to attack a country that had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, plunging America into endless war in an attempt to conceal the fact that he is a miserable failure.”

 [RWC] These last two paragraphs are nothing but mindless parroting of Democrat talking points without any factual backup.

1. Kerry ‘couldn't think’ on 9/11; Bill Sammon; The Washington Times; August 14, 2004.

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