Daniel A. Bosh – 8/28/05

This page was last updated on August 30, 2005.

Hart will vote as she’s told; Daniel A. Bosh; Beaver County Times; August 28, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In her Aug. 18, letter to the editor (‘Hart looking at all tax options’), U. S. Rep. Melissa Hart stated that she has ‘not taken a formal position’ on H. R. 25, the Federal Sales Tax bill.

“This dodge is typical of Melissa Hart.  She avoids taking a ‘formal position’ on a bill that would not be popular here at home, until it comes time to vote.  Then, she does exactly what her Republican Party bosses tell her to do.”

[RWC] How does Mr. Bosh know H.R. 25 “would not be popular here at home?”

“She has built up one of the most partisan voting records over the past four and a half years, and The Times has done its part for her by not doing any real reporting about the bills before Congress or how Hart voted on them.”

[RWC] If you’ve read Mr. Bosh’s letters, you’re probably thinking he has nerve to call anyone else “partisan.”  In any case, what does Mr. Bosh expect?  If a person is a member of a political party, don’t we expect him to vote with his party most of the time?  I wonder if Mr. Bosh believes it’s a display of partisanship when Democrats vote “as they’re told.”

“She rode the fence on the Central America Free Trade Agreement, which will export more industrial jobs from this region, already devastated by unfair trade bills and sweatshop competition.”

[RWC] Blah, blah, blah.  Just more talking points.

“When Republicans held the vote in the middle of the night, she did exactly what I knew she would do.  She followed the orders given to her by Bush, Cheney and DeLay and voted for CAFTA and against working people.”

[RWC] Who are “working people” in Mr. Bosh’s mind?  Don’t the vast majority of us work?

“The Times did not breathe a word.”

[RWC] Perhaps that’s because the Times implicitly supported CAFTA.

“Let me go out on a limb here and predict, based on her past record, that whether or not she takes a ‘formal position,’ when a vote is taken in the House on the Federal Sales Tax, Hart will once again put the Republican anti-worker agenda ahead of her constituents, and The Times will keep very quiet about it.”

[RWC] What’s the “anti-worker agenda?”  Perhaps Mr. Bosh believes Ms. Hart supports closed shop employment laws.

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