Richard Buckus – 1/26/10


This page was last updated on January 26, 2010.

Democrats must fix mess they created; Richard Buckus; Beaver County Times; January 26, 2010.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“In Friday’s editorial (‘Debt panel’), the editorial staff again missed the boat on understanding the political strategy of Washington and the Democrats.

“During the past year, Democrats have passed a $447 billion omnibus bill, a $787 billion stimulus, $3 billion for clunkers, $75 billion for mortgage relief, $34 billion for SCHIP, $30 billion for GM and Chrysler, plus a huge increase for 2010 domestic spending.

“Democrats have increased the national debt more in one year than George Bush did in eight years.

“During the past year, Democrats have run everything, and now they want a bipartisan budget deficit commission so that everyone can agree to either raise taxes, cut programs or both so that neither party gets the blame.

“Why should Republicans want to be the tax collectors for Democrats?  If Republicans are dumb enough to fall for this Democratic scheme, they deserve to remain a minority party.

“Democrats created this fiscal mess all by themselves.  Allow them to determine how to pay for it by themselves with huge tax increases or cuts in programs.”

[RWC] This is not true, though Democrats deserve most of the blame.  What spending cuts did Republicans propose and pass?  Which spending programs were eliminated?  While Republicans did complain about the current mess caused by government programs and entities (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac), they allowed themselves to be pushed into inaction by accusations of racism.

“Let American voters decide in November on how well Democratic priorities have performed since they took over the White House and Congress.”

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