Bob Budacki – 2/14/07

This page was last updated on February 18, 2007.

Strange way to define ‘greed’; Bob Budacki; Beaver County Times; February 14, 2007.

In his letter, Mr. Budacki alleged he is “President, Rochester Area Education Association.”  In fact, this organization is NOT an “education association.”  It is a labor union and Mr. Budacki is part of its management.

Rather than do a point-by-point critique of Mr. Budacki’s letter, I’ll make only a few comments.

First, Mr. Budacki’s letter is nothing more than a piece seeking sympathy for his alleged sacrifices to be a teacher.  I could be mistaken, but I don’t believe anyone coerced Mr. Budacki to choose his line of work.

Second, the last Budacki letter I critiqued told us how former state rep Mike Veon didn’t deserve to lose, how spending taxpayer dollars from outside the school district on a football field for Rochester was justified, and how taxpayer dollars are “free dollars.”

Third, in his previous letter, Mr. Budacki didn’t identify himself as a leader in labor union management.  I wonder why.

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