Rachel E. K. Cain – 11/6/08

This page was last updated on November 15, 2008.

Great loss for ‘sweet land of liberty’; Rachel E. K. Cain; Beaver County Times; November 6, 2008.

Just over a week ago Ms. Cain wrote a decent letter (“Palin understands American people,” 10/28/08) in support of VP candidate Gov. Sarah Palin.  This letter is way off the tracks.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I want to thank everyone who stood up for life and voted for Sen. John Sidney McCain and Gov. Sarah Louise Heath Palin.  May God bless you abundantly because you did the right thing; do not be fooled.

“May God have mercy on our dear country — ‘sweet land of liberty.’”

[RWC] This sentiment is what happens when you let emotions govern your politics, not your mind.

“Isn’t it ironic that our founding fathers fought to keep out of this country the type of person we just elected as president — namely Sen. Barack Hussein Obama.”

[RWC] What is Ms. Cain talking about?

“May God bless all of you who stood up for what was right and voted for McCain and Palin.  For once, the Republican McCain won Beaver County.

“‘My county ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty — of thee’ I mourn.”

[RWC] While I clearly believe the election results didn’t represent a good move for the country, it’s not the end of the country.  We ensure our future by supporting conservative principles and fighting against leftism.

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