Rose Camp – 8/14/2019


This page was last updated on August 21, 2019.

“Squad” reference is disparaging language; Rose Camp (RC); Beaver County Times; August 14, 2019.

Below is a review of the subject letter.

“This is a response to a letter written by Rita Gavert that appeared in the Sunday, Aug. 11 edition of the Beaver County Times.  I would like to ask Rita why she took Trump’s word ‘squad’ to refer to the four new duly elected Congresswomen, instead of referring to them as the four Congresswomen?”

[RWC] Unfortunately for RC, President Trump didn’t label “the squad,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) did.  Miss Pressley is herself a member of “the squad.”

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), “When the four appeared together Monday to respond to Mr. Trump’s initial inflammatory tweets, Ms. Pressley sought to assert a broader ‘squad’ of like-minded supporters.  ‘Our squad is big,’ she said.  ‘Our squad includes any person committed to building a more equitable and just world … And given the size of this squad, and this great nation, we cannot - we will not - be silenced.’”

This is yet another example of why we must do our own fact-checking.  Below, RC wrote, “I might ask Rita where she gets her news?”  Perhaps RC should ask herself the same question.

“So, just because Mr. Trump did not like what they had to say while responding to his derogatory name-calling and labeling anyone who dares to disagree with him and makes racist comments toward anyone who is not white Anglo-Saxon, he labeled them ‘the squad.’”

[RWC] As noted above, “the squad” labeled itself.

“This man is a disgrace and needs to act like the president instead of a 5-year-old.  Comments like this should be beneath the president of the United States.  I might ask Rita where she gets her news?  Has she not heard and seen on live TV how he uses disparaging language when referring to what he calls an adversary? He even put labels on heads of state of foreign countries.  What president does this?  Tell me who is being ‘unfair’ here?  He reaps what he sows; and furthermore, I applaud these Congresswomen for not calling him president because he does not deserve the title.

“I suggest if this behavior of a president if OK with Mrs. Gavert, then she is the one with a problem.”

 [RWC] Given the letter was based on either ignorance or a lie, RC appears to be “the one with a problem” and she owes Mrs. Gavert an apology.


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