Mark Campbell – 10/21/04

This page was last updated on October 21, 2004.

What about a real crisis?; Mark Campbell; Beaver County Times; October 21, 2004.

“Just a thought.

“If the ‘panic’ over the short supply of flu vaccine garners this much concern, what would we be facing if we were counting on the government to come up with vaccines for a smallpox or anthrax attack?”

[RWC] Regarding smallpox, the CDC says, “the United States has a big enough stockpile of smallpox vaccine to vaccinate everyone in the country who might need it in the event of an emergency.  Production of new vaccine is underway.”

Regarding anthrax, anti-biotics are the preferred treatment and there is no anti-biotic shortage.

Regarding the flu vaccine “panic,” it’s primarily being flamed for political purposes.  In any case, the history behind flu vaccines is long and historical government interference is a contributing factor.  The bottom line is, there is little financial incentive for companies to produce flu vaccine.  That’s why the number of flu vaccine producers has been dropping for the past couple of decades.

“Considering the flu season is known and prepared for months in advance, I don't know just how safe we all can feel in the event of a biological attack.”

[RWC] Don’t you just love scare tactics?

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