Dorothy Cardimen – 9/14/06

This page was last updated on September 14, 2006.

The public deserves better; Dorothy Cardimen; Beaver County Times; September 14, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Is there nothing that U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum won’t try in his bid to hold onto his senatorial seat?

“How pathetic for him to use his six kids, with some of them showcased in little vignettes very dutifully reciting obviously rehearsed lines like, ‘I love my Daddy’ and ‘My Daddy is a good senator.’

“It is a very sad state of affairs and pitiful to witness Santorum, along with his wife, exhibit such poor taste and desperation to parade their (young, nonvoting) children across the television airwaves in order to try to save his seat in the Senate.  Oh, please, the public deserves better.”

[RWC] Ms. Cardimen is a hoot.  Trotting out your family has been a campaign ritual since forever.  You’d think Sen. Santorum invented it.

Of course, Ms. Cardimen neglected to note the Casey campaign made Sen. Santorum’s kids an issue.

This letter continues the trend of anti-Santorum letters.  As all of her predecessors, Ms. Cardimen didn’t tell us why we should vote for Mr. Casey.

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