Jan Carpenter – 4/7/13


This page was last updated on April 10, 2013.

We all deserve better; Jan Carpenter; Beaver County Times; April 7, 2013.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“When my mother was in a nursing home, I cried every day when I had to leave her there.  The care was supposed to be so great, but was far from it.  We found another home and the care was wonderful, like it is at Friendship Ridge.  The staff not only cares for but loves the patients and become our loved one’s second family.

“Christ, in almost every miracle, touched the afflicted.  A hug, a kiss, just a touch on the shoulder and a kind word are the small miracles that happen every day at Friendship Ridge.”

[RWC] This is all fine, but why should the county – or any level of government – be in the medical care business?  There are plenty of privately-owned nursing facilities in this area so it’s not like we have an underserved need.

If Friendship Ridge is so great, why did Ms. Carpenter’s family move her mother to “another home” instead of Friendship Ridge?  In the interest of disclosure, my family had to go through a nursing-home evaluation process a few years ago.  My brother and I visited most of the local facilities and spoke with people who had first-hand experience.  FR came in next to last on our list.  Again, though, FR’s quality of service isn’t the issue.

“We have a responsibility to ensure all of our parents and grandparents have the care they deserve in their golden years.  Sadly, Gov. Corbett’s budget cuts are forcing many nursing homes cut staff and basic supplies.  Instead of helping seniors, the governor is fighting to give more than a billion dollars in special tax breaks to massive corporations.”

[RWC] Isn’t it our own personal responsibility to prepare for our “golden years?”  Why should taxpayers (Commonwealth, county, federal) be on the hook for our medical care regardless of our age?

“There is a better option.  Rather than cut senior care he should close the Delaware Loophole, end the special tax breaks and fairly tax millions of dollars made by the rich energy companies.  Our parents deserve better.  We all do.”

[RWC] Now we get to the real reason for Ms. Carpenter’s letter; she wants to increase tax rates for people not named Jan Carpenter.

As for the “Delaware Loophole,” please read my critique of “Ways to get more revenue.”

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