Brian L. Carter – 1/22/09

This page was last updated on January 22, 2009.

Good riddance to Bush presidency; Brian L. Carter; Beaver County Times; January 22, 2009.

Previous critiques of Mr. Carter’s letters are here, here, here, and here.  Someday I hope to meet Mr. Carter just so I can see the kind of person who writes letters like this and believes what’s in them.

This is one of a few similar letters today and I expect more.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Our long national nightmare is finally over.

“The enemy of the people of the United States and of freedom and of democracy and the front man for the Bush oil empire has finally relinquished power.

[RWC] “The enemy of the people of the United States?”  Truth be told, folks like Mr. Carter actually believe this stuff.  That’s why they call for Mr. Bush’s lynching but give captured terrorists the benefit of the doubt.

“Bush oil empire?”  What is Mr. Carter talking about?

“With God’s help, he will fade into fitting obscurity as the healing of the nation and our international reputation begins.

“Our need for shame can now end, and our need for embarrassed diplomacy can finally begin to heal the rifts so ruthlessly created through eight years of greedy war-mongering and arrogant, self-serving international disdain and a false Southern pride.”

[RWC] What did Mr. Carter do that required him to feel shame?

Anyone who writes letters like Mr. Carter’s should probably avoid talking about “false … pride.”

“As we emerge from nearly a decade of obstinate, underhanded, maniacal and criminal rule, let us put our best foot forward and best well wishes toward the new White House occupant.  He deserves and needs our help.”

[RWC] There’s no question Mr. Obama needs our help, but if you believe he will accept conservative solutions for our challenges, I have a bridge to sell you.

“Let the healing begin.”

[RWC] What’s there to say?  Mr. Carter has been a serial Bush basher and this letter is nothing more than a name-calling rant.  I hope people don’t treat Mr. Obama the way Mr. Carter and his fellow travelers treated and continue to treat George Bush.

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