Nicholas Chopiak – 8/6/06

This page was last updated on August 6, 2006.

Nothing to be proud of; Nicholas Chopiak; Beaver County Times; August 6, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum claims he is proud of the prescription drug legislation he helped pass.”

[RWC] Don’t interpret my comments as support for the Medicare prescription drug plan.  I oppose it just as I oppose Medicaid, Medicare, and any other government program intended to pay for a person’s healthcare.  The point to this critique is to show Mr. Chopiak’s inconsistency.

“This prescription drug bill is the most fiscally irresponsible policy in the history of our country.  The bill was written by the drug companies and insurance companies and their lobbyists for their benefit not yours.”

[RWC] “This prescription drug bill is the most fiscally irresponsible policy in the history of our country?”  I guess Mr. Chopiak forgot about Medicare, Socialist Security, welfare, et cetera.  All of these socialist plans are “fiscally irresponsible.”

The second sentence of the paragraph is simply a talking point.

“The plan prevents negotiating for the price of drugs as does the VA or the Medicare program.  It has the infamous doughnut hole forcing those that sign up to pay their premiums during a period they are not eligible for help from their insurance company.

“The plan is helpful if you are very sick and spending more than $850 a month on drugs, or if you qualify as extremely low income.”

[RWC] Here’s the bottom line for Mr. Chopiak.  He’s upset because he believes the plan helps only the “very sick” or “if you qualify as extremely low income.”  Apparently Mr. Chopiak wants this plan to pay for everyone’s prescriptions regardless of need, but wasn’t he the one complaining the existing “prescription drug bill is the most fiscally irresponsible policy in the history of our country?”

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