Sharon A. Churchin – 11/9/08

This page was last updated on November 16, 2008.

Proud and not-so proud American; Sharon A. Churchin; Beaver County Times; November 9, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I sit here today unfortunately experiencing a mixed bag of emotions.

“On one hand, I am so proud to be an American, proud of electing a brilliant, inspiring man regardless of his race, someone with a solid plan.”

[RWC] You’ll note Ms. Churchin never provides any details of that “solid plan.”

“I finally have a sense of hope toward the future of this country.”

[RWC] It appears my previous comment was wrong.  Mr. Obama’s “solid plan “ is “hope.”

“On the other hand, I am disgusted by the article I just read asking people why they voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.  No one discussed his economic policies.  They all continue to harp on morals and the pro-life chant.”

[RWC] Though it’s a pretty good guess Ms. Churchin supports the vast majority of leftist ideology, it appears her primary beef with most non-leftists is they oppose killing unborn children for convenience.

You’ll note Ms. Churchin didn’t discuss economic policies either.  It’s for one of two reasons.  Either Ms. Churchin is not knowledgeable or she really knows whose “economic policies” are responsible for the current mess.

What leads people like Ms. Churchin to believe “morals” isn’t a relevant issue?

“The bottom line, people, is that these topics need to be taught in the home or church and not be the basis for our political beliefs.  If you want to save a life, adopt a baby, volunteer in a shelter, tutor a child.”

[RWC] “Morals” should “not be the basis for our political beliefs?”  Is Ms. Churchin serious?  Did Ms. Churchin miss the Clinton administration (Lewinsky, White Water, Travelgate, Filegate, etc.), the 2005 PA General Assembly pay raises, the current scandal in which GA employees worked for campaigns while being paid by us taxpayers, et cetera?

The most obvious example of morals being “the basis for our political beliefs” was the election of 1860 when the Republican Party – with Abraham Lincoln as its candidate for President – ran on a platform to abolish slavery.  Was that wrong, Ms. Churchin?

“As for morals, lead by example.  Don’t hide behind the Republican Party.  The day we began to elect our officials to monitor my uterus is the day we turned a blind side toward the business of running an economically sound country.”

[RWC] When did we begin “to elect our officials to monitor [Ms. Churchin’s] uterus?”

“OK, I feel better.  Time to celebrate, America!”

[RWC] Folks who write letters like this never “feel better,” at least not for long.  Tomorrow will bring some issue to ruin Ms. Churchin’s day.

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