Mike Connifey – 7/22/12


This page was last updated on July 23, 2012.

Voter ID law blatant attempt to win votes; Michael Connifey; Beaver County Times; July 22, 2012.

Mr. Connifey’s most recent previous letter was entitled “Romney changes stories.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Romney wants to give a tax break to the top 1 percent wage earners so they can invest their savings in America and create more jobs.  I guess he thinks the top 1 percent won’t do what he did: Hide the money in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Bermuda.”

[RWC] If Mr. Romney “[hid his] money in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland and Bermuda,” he must not be doing a good job if Mr. Connifey knows about it.  That Mr. Connifey knows anything is because this info is on the tax returns Mr. Romney released.  Stating the obvious, people who want to hide something don’t report it to the IRS.  There’s nothing illegal or unethical about a family using tax-law provisions to minimize its tax liability.  Most of us try to minimize our tax liability by taking advantage of things like deductions, exemptions, and so on for things like mortgage interest, charitable donations, tax-free municipal bonds, and so on.

“I guess he also didn’t realize that if he invested his own money in America, he could help create new jobs.  So much for his job-creating mantra.

“The new voter ID law is a blatant attempt by the Republicans to win votes in the presidential election.  If you doubt this, just listen to Pa. Republican legislator Mike Turzai, who said, ‘Voter ID is going to allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.’  The Republicans say they are doing this to lessen voter fraud (a non-existent problem).  Turzai put that lie to the test.”

[RWC] How is “The new voter ID law … a blatant attempt by the Republicans to win votes in the presidential election?”  Until Mr. Connifey’s letter, everything I heard from leftists was the goal is to disenfranchise Democrat voters, resulting in fewer voters.  I wish lefties would get their story straight.

As for “voter fraud [is] (a non-existent problem),” even if it were true, should we wait until it becomes one?  At the same time lefties tell us voting is our most sacred right, they tell us we should not ensure only legal voters vote.  Rather than help people get the ID needed to vote, folks like Mr. Connifey would rather do without photo ID.  You can read more on the topic here.

“Also, thanks to reader Gary Marshall for pointing out that Obama is not cutting $500 billion from Medicare.”

[RWC] As I noted in my critique, just about everything in Mr. Marshall’s letter is false.

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