Lonzie Cox, Jr. – 10/5/10


This page was last updated on October 7, 2010.

Teabaggers are only hurting selves; Lonzie Cox, Jr.; Beaver County Times; October 5, 2010.  I am not related to Mr. Cox.

Most of Mr. Cox’s at least 59 letters since 2004 are tinged with race, and all take leftist positions.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“President Barack Obama has demonstrated concern for the teabaggers’ complaints, but they don’t seem to be capable of understanding.”

[RWC] You have to love it when someone leads off with name-calling.  Note Mr. Cox doesn’t describe in what way “President Barack Obama has demonstrated concern for the [tea partiers’] complaints.”  I believe Mr. Obama’s “demonstrated concern” is the tea party movement may result in a loss of Congress by Democrats.  Mr. Obama is a devoted leftist who couldn’t care less about what those on the right think.

“Dr. Jason Johnson of Hiram College suggests that teabagger activity is making the recession last longer.  Johnson explains that many teabaggers are well educated with lots of money but hate to pay taxes or spend money because they want Obama to fail.”

[RWC] Who cares what Mr. Johnson thinks?  Mr. Johnson is simply another lefty pundit expressing an opinion, not fact.

Does anyone like to pay taxes?  My goal is for the US to succeed.

“Johnson thinks their noisy, childish whining is drowning out more intelligent voices and becoming a national distraction.  When President George Bush asked for more consumer spending, the teabaggers joined other Americans in doing so.  Obama?  No.”

[RWC] Does Mr. Cox know the so-called tea party movement didn’t start until 2009?  In any case, in 2001 we weren’t looking at massive tax rate increases, the specter of a government-run, taxpayer-funded healthcare monopoly, cap and tax, a government takeover of the student loan industry, a massive increase of financial regulations, et cetera.  The situations are not even remotely similar.

“The teabaggers want to take their country back (to what?) from people who didn’t take it in the first place.  By exporting jobs and shutting down American industry, the upper classes and the Reaganites stole the country - not blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims or working classes of white Americans.”

[RWC] I’m not a fan of the “take back our country” slogan regardless of who uses it.  Mr. Cox seems to forget this was a Democrat slogan during both the 2006 and 2008 elections.  Why did Mr. Cox not question it then?

Note how Mr. Cox doesn’t see a country of Americans; he sees people as members of groups, not as individuals.  Divide and conquer is a staple of the left.

“If the teabaggers want their country back, they should join with the ACLU, NAACP, UAW, USW, NOW, National Council of Churches, Urban League and the Democratic Party to get it back.”

[RWC] Sure.  The positions taken by these leftist groups are the problem, not the cure.  Cuba, the USSR, Nazi Germany, et cetera really worked out well, didn’t they?

“By supporting right-wing Republicans, teabaggers are contributing to their yet-to-come poverty.”

[RWC] I don’t know if Mr. Cox knows he is wrong, or if he’s been duped.

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