Laura M. Craig – 11/23/08

This page was last updated on November 23, 2008.

Others can’t respect us when we don’t; Laura M. Craig; Beaver County Times; November 23, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I’ve read and listened to remark after remark about President George Bush and President-elect Obama.”

[RWC] This is the last time Ms. Craig mentions President Bush in this letter.  Ms. Craig mentioned President Bush here only to make it appear she wasn’t playing favorites.  I’ll go out on a limb and guess Ms. Craig’s really only upset about some of the treatment Mr. Obama is getting.  After all, President Bush constantly endured far worse for the last eight years and as far as I can tell Ms. Craig didn’t write a letter to object.

“It’s time Americans begin to live up to the reputation we once had.  It used to be that countries respected us.  However, to hear the greed, hate and disrespect we are guilty of in our own country is disgusting.”

[RWC] Note Ms. Craig provides no examples.

“How can anyone else respect us when we so blatantly belittle, degrade and steal from anyone we can take advantage of or those who aren’t knowledgeable of the facts?

“If people are so against Obama, why didn’t they run for office?  I’m sure the ones threatening him wouldn’t be able to hold a decent conversation with him.”

[RWC] “If people are so against Obama, why didn’t they run for office?”  Ms. Craig, others did oppose Mr. Obama and about 59 million of us voted for someone other than Mr. Obama.

Other than some wackos, who’s threatening Mr. Obama?

“Talk about intolerance.  Those who are so filled with hate should walk in the shoes of the ones they’re condemning.  But no!  Their words and actions show the lack of courtesy that our Lord preached from the beginning of his ministry.  Believe it or not, he’d also reached out to people of any race or color.”

[RWC] As I’ve written previously, where were all these tolerant people who popped up after Mr. Obama’s election when we endured non-stop personal attacks and smears of President Bush for the last eight years?

“There’s so much to say on these subjects that the shame and disappointment in our people is just intolerable.

“I am white, and I have known black and white people who I am proud to know.  But I also know black and white people who are a disgrace to our society.”

[RWC] Yeah, so?

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