Antoinette Crisanti – 4/4/06

This page was last updated on April 4, 2006.

Lawmakers fail the elderly; Antoinette Crisanti; Beaver County Times; April 4, 2006

This is Ms. Crisanti’s third letter on this topic since January 17, 2006.  For an unknown reason, neither of her letters (“‘In God I trust’” and “Taxing wealthy a just cause”) are still on the Times website.  As this letter, the previous letters told us the elderly should not have to pay taxes.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“As I read Kenneth McConaughy’s letter to the editor (‘Legislators shirk tax reform,’ Thursday), I’m almost to a point of agreeing with him because our legislators failed the elderly on tax reform.

“What is so difficult?  The slots money will not be used for the purpose it was raised for - to help this issue, property tax.

“Let us elderly go.  We paid enough.  Some have no children or grandchildren in school.  After 60 years, we should be removed from their list of donors.  We’re forced to donate more while we are suffering to make ends meet.”

[RWC] I don’t believe Ms. Crisanti is “suffering to make ends meet,” but if she is, whose fault is it?  It’s our individual responsibility to prepare ourselves for life after employment.  Both sets of my grandparents were anything but rich yet they lived their lives wisely to prepare for retirement.  My parents followed the example set by my grandparents.  So have I.

“I don’t like to complain, but we really need to pray for the men who were mentioned in his letter because they are so callous, hard-headed and filled with pride.”

[RWC] “I don’t like to complain?”  As I noted above, this is the third letter in less than three months in which Ms. Crisanti has complained that she should not have to pay taxes.

“My view of the matter is that whatever is sown will be reaped.  Also, some day they will have to give an account of their deeds.  We cannot cancel our appointment with God, no cancellations.”

[RWC] What does God have to do with this?

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