Dave Dean – 4/11/05

This page was last updated on April 11, 2005.

Politicians ignore veterans; Dave Dean; Beaver County Times; April 11, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I would like at this time to express how appalled I am at the illustrious, inconsiderate, non-compassionate politicians, who once again are taking away from the veterans of our country.

“Apparently, they have lost sight of the needs and support of the veterans who gave and give so much to allow them to live the life of luxury of which they indulge.

“They should all be made to serve in a combat situation so as to see just why the veterans should receive every benefit possible.  The politicians are so involved with their interests in all the other countries that they forgot it was the veteran who made these things come to light.

“They give billions of dollars to other countries and turn around and take benefits away from veterans.

“It is time for Washington to remember about government of the people, by the people, for the people, and not for being a financial banker for the world.  Let’s take care of our own first and foremost.

“I sincerely hope that the younger generation will wake up and do their utmost to get our government back to what it was originally organized for.  God bless America and all of our fighting men and women.”

[RWC] Why does Mr. Dean believe we’re taking benefits away from veterans?

·        VA funding is now higher than at any point in the past ten years, and it’s going up twice as fast under President Bush as under President Clinton.

·        Funding for veterans in the first four Bush budgets increased 37.6%.  If President Bush gets what he proposed for the 2006 budget, the total increase will be 40.6%.  That’s 40.6% in five years compared to 31.6% during Clinton’s eight years.

Is this enough?  I don’t know, but it seems wrong to bash how much we spend on veterans without providing context.

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