Jane Delanko – 12/4/05

This page was last updated on December 17, 2005.

Bring the troops home; Jane V. Delanko; Beaver County Times; December 4, 2005.

This is at least the second letter from Ms. Delanko on this subject.  I believe the most recent was entitled “Bring our troops home.”

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I definitely agree with Rep. John Murtha; we should withdraw from Iraq immediately.”

[RWC] Gee, what a shock.  Ms. Delanko has been writing anti-Bush and anti-war letters for more than a year.

“Our youth are being killed every day.  We cannot win this war with our tactics.  Most of the people in Iraq do not want us there.  The road bombings occur everyday.  These terrorists do not care about life like we do.”

[RWC] I guess Ms. Delanko is a military expert since she knows our tactics are ineffective.  Let me get this right; we should run away from terrorists because they “do not care about life like we do?”  If we had used Ms. Delanko’s logic during World War II we’d be speaking German and/or Japanese.  Did she forget the German and Japanese death camps?  Did she forget the millions murdered simply because of their religion or ethnic background?  Does she believe this showed the enemy cared “about life like we do?”

The fact is, we are demonstrably winning in Iraq.  The record shows every goal established to make Iraq a democratic and free country has been met pretty much on schedule.  For example, on December 15th approximately 70% of Iraqi voters elect a government under the constitution they approved in October.  This was the third free election within a year.

“Let the people of Iraq control their own destiny.  We must bring our military home to protect our own borders.  We need the money spent on this war to be used in our own country, which is piling up a high deficit.”

[RWC] Does Ms. Delanko really believe terrorists would leave us alone and we wouldn’t need to spend the lives and money somewhere, even if it’s not in Iraq?  I wonder why Ms. Delanko isn’t calling for our troops to be recalled from the Balkans?  What about Germany, Japan, and South Korea?

“To quote Murtha ‘The soldiers cannot speak for themselves.’  We sent them there and we must get them out.”

[RWC] I guess I have more respect for our troops than Mr. Murtha and Ms. Delanko.  I believe the soldiers are speaking for themselves.  The problem is, because the soldiers aren’t saying what Delanko and Murtha want, Delanko and Murtha can’t hear them.

“More than 1,958 of our military have been killed, yet we are not making progress.  The president claims ‘As the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.’  So far they aren’t standing up.  The insurgents are everywhere, destroying what we are trying to build up.  U.S. presence is uniting the insurgents.”

[RWC] For someone who allegedly cares so much about our troops, you would think Ms. Delanko could at least get the number of deaths correct.  As of December 2, 2005, the total for Afghanistan and Iraq was 2,375, 1,795 of whom were killed in action.

“With the New Orleans tragedy, we need our reserves here.  Help overseas gets there immediately.  Help in our own country is slow moving.  The money spent on this war should be in escrow for our hurricanes, earthquakes etc.”

[RWC] Above Ms. Delanko expressed concern about “piling up a high deficit,” yet here she claims the tax dollars should be spent elsewhere.  These people really ought to take some logic lessons.

“The war in Iraq is making America less safe when it comes to preparing for our own misfortunes and tragedies.  This war must be resolved politically.  Murtha wants the troops out of Iraq.  Let’s hope this starts as soon as possible.”

[RWC] Negotiate with terrorists?  I vote we send Ms. Delanko to begin the negotiations.

Seriously, one of two words describes people like Ms. Delanko.  Those words are stupid or treasonous.  If you truly believe terrorists who target civilians and behead their enemies are interested in a political resolution, you are stupid.  If you don’t and say what Ms. Delanko and her fellow travelers spew, you are treasonous because you are attempting to demoralize our troops while giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

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