Ron Demarest – 11/5/06

This page was last updated on November 5, 2006.

Specter’s excuses don’t fly; Ron Demarest; Beaver County Times; November 5, 2006.

This is at least the ninth letter from Mr. Demarest since August 2004 bashing President Bush, Republicans, and/or conservatives.  In July 2006, Mr. Demarest wrote two letters in two weeks telling us the U.S. isn’t being fair to terrorists.  In September 2006, Mr. Demarest not only told us the terrorist surveillance program for intercepting international communications to/from suspect terrorists is unconstitutional, but he also asserted no laws should be passed to make it legal.

This letter is a regurgitation of Mr. Demarest’s October letter entitled “Torture laws debase America.”  As a result, I have nothing to add to my previous comments.

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