Nikola Drobac – 3/30/05

This page was last updated on March 30, 2005.

‘Who’s running this country?’; Nikola (Nick) Drobac; Beaver County Times; March 30, 2005.

This is the 15th anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican rant by Mr. Drobac since July 1, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“On the federal level, we have a Republican president, Republican Senate and a Republican House.

“In Florida, they have a Republican governor, Republican state Senate and a Republican state House.

“The conservative Supreme Court that decided to get involved and determine who would be president in 2000 has decided not to get involved in the Terri Schiavo case.”

[RWC] It would take someone like Mr. Drobac to refer to the U.S. Supreme Court as “conservative.”  Apparently Mr. Drobac hasn’t been paying attention to the court’s rulings.

It never ceases to amaze me that some folks can’t let go of the 2000 election myths.  These people like to say the U.S. Supreme Court decision was an example of partisan politics.  Democrats don’t like to acknowledge the Republican court appointees were split, meaning some voted in favor of Gore.  All Democrat appointees lined up behind Mr. Gore, however.  So who was partisan, if anyone?  Democrats also don’t like to acknowledge that even the Florida Supreme Court was divided 4-3 in overturning the lower court ruling against Mr. Gore, and Democrats appointed all members of the Florida court.  Thus, even Florida Democrat judges were severely split on the legality of changing the rules after the election began.  Remember, the judge who initially ruled against Gore was a Democrat.

“Now, I have to listen to the Republicans blame the Democrats for doing nothing.  Who’s running this country?”

[RWC] I have to admit I don’t run in Mr. Drobac’s circle, but I haven’t heard Republicans – or anyone else for that matter – blaming “Democrats for doing nothing” regarding the Terri Schiavo case.  Indeed, 47% of House Democrats who voted approved Senate Bill 686 (bill title: For the relief of the parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo).  I don’t have a comparable figure for the Senate because the Senate lacked the guts for a roll call vote.  Instead, the Senate approved the bill via voice vote.

Other than partisanship, I believe Mr. Drobac’s question gives us a view into socialist beliefs.  In the socialist mind, being in the majority means you can ignore the law.

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