Nikola Drobac – 9/12/05

This page was last updated on September 14, 2005.

‘Contract with America’ lost; Nikola (Nick) Drobac; Beaver County Times; September 12, 2005.

This is the 21st anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican rant by Mr. Drobac since July 1, 2004.  As usual, Mr. Drobac doesn’t let facts get in the way of a good rant.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Back in 1994, Republican politicians created the ‘Contract With America.’”

[RWC] The CWA was a commitment by U.S. House of Representatives Republicans to bring 10 specific bills to a vote within the first 100 days of the 104th Congress.  All bills came to a vote within this period and nine of 10 passed.  The only bill not to pass was the term limits amendment (H.J.Res. 73).  While the bill won a majority of votes, it did not pass because amendments to the Constitution require a 2/3’s vote.  82% of Republicans voted for the amendment, 80% of Democrats voted against it.

“1. Balanced-budget amendment and line item veto.

“Republicans wanted to force the government to live within its means and to restore accountability to the budget in Washington.”

[RWC] Even with a Democrat president in office, Republicans passed and President Clinton signed the line item veto legislation.  The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional in 1998.

The balanced-budget amendment was passed in the House, but failed in the Senate by two votes (64-35).  All Senate Republicans voted for the amendment except one.  34 of the 35 “nay” votes were by Democrats.

“Clinton balanced the budget, had a plan to save Social Security, and had a plan to pay off the national debt by 2010.  Bush busted the budget, ballooned the national debt, and wants to cut Social Security benefits.”

[RWC] It’s true there were a few balanced budgets toward the end of President Clinton’s second term, but the balanced budget was an effect of the booming economy.  It was not because President Clinton proposed spending cuts.

Regarding Socialist Security, when will you guys make up your mind?  Is it in trouble or not?

There was no “plan to pay off the national debt by 2010.”  Mr. Drobac is referring to 10-year budget estimates that made the ridiculous assumption that the go-go economy of the mid- to late-1990s would continue unabated for another 10 years.  In truth, the economy started a recession during President Clinton’s last year in office.

“2. Tax cuts for families.”

[RWC] Below Mr. Drobac actually argues families shouldn’t be allowed to keep their own money.  I’m sure he would never admit it outside a small circle of fellow travelers, but I’d bet Mr. Drobac believes all wages should go to the government.

“The Republicans wanted to make it easier to achieve the American Dream, save money, buy a home, and send the kids to college.  They wanted to empower the people by returning the money that was rightfully theirs to be used to solve the problems unique to their neighborhoods.

“A tax cut for all was the basis of the Bush 2000 Presidential Campaign.  Bush said that he wanted to empower the people and create jobs.

“Today, the American dream is harder to achieve.  The price of goods and services continues to rise faster than our ability to pay.  This loss in our standard of living can be seen by our growing inability to pay for a college education, gasoline, government services, health care, etc.”

[RWC] The facts dispute Mr. Drobac.  Since at least January 2003, real disposable income has increased every month except two.

Regarding escalating prices, did you notice all the areas Mr. Drobac noted have significant government interference?  Despite that, Mr. Drobac believes more government interference is better.

“Savings is at an all time low.  Many 401(k) plans are under-funded.  Present day lack of savings will create a financial crisis for the baby boomers and future generations of Americans when they enter their retirement years.

“We now know that the Republican empowerment plan does not work.  New Orleans is the perfect example.”

[RWC] This is a real hoot.  Democrats control both Louisiana and New Orleans and have “forever,” yet New Orleans is an indictment of Republican principles?  Is Mr. Drobac kidding?

“The Republican empowerment plan does not work.”  Translation: We individuals are incapable of making wise choices and taking care of ourselves.

“Today, the people of New Orleans cannot rebuild their city and solve their problems without federal help.  Because of the Bush tax cuts, the federal government is virtually powerless to provide substantial assistance.”

[RWC] What’s the logical connection between previous tax cuts and our ability to provide appropriate assistance?  Does Mr. Drobac believe there would have been budget surpluses without the cuts?  If so, he is wrong.

“Also, with so many poor and unemployed coming out of that city, one must ask, ‘Where are the jobs that Bush promised?’”

[RWC] Again we need to remember Democrats control both Louisiana and New Orleans and have “forever.”  In any case, the national unemployment rate for August 2005 was down to 4.9%.  By any measure that’s low unemployment.  Of course, I expect the figure to increase as a result of Katrina.

I truly hope that if Mr. Drobac is still a teacher he doesn’t pass along his misinformation to his students.

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