Nikola Drobac – 10/17/06

This page was last updated on October 19, 2006.

Santorum shows true self; Nikola (Nick) Drobac; Beaver County Times; October 17, 2006.

This is at least the 25th anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican rant by Mr. Drobac since July 1, 2004.  In a letter entitled “GOP messing things up” (October 29, 2002), Mr. Drobac expressed a wish to be able to laugh as all Republicans face financial ruin in retirement, calling them fools because they may have more confidence in themselves than in government bureaucrats and politicians.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Thursday night, I watched the second senatorial debate between Bob Casey and Rick Santorum.  The first question went to Santorum.

“The moderator asked Santorum about the costs (borne by Pennsylvania taxpayers) associated with educating the Santorum children.  Santorum conveniently switched from that topic to promoting his own work ethic.”

[RWC] I’ve addressed the Midland cyber school issue many times before so I won’t repeat myself here other than to say it is now and always has been a bogus issue.

I find it funny Mr. Drobac would bring up an issue involving multiple residences.  You see, at the same time Mr. Drobac wrote letters to the Times claiming he lived in Aliquippa, over the last few years Mr. Drobac has sent some of the same letters to newspapers in eastern PA and Maryland and claimed to live in Stevens, PA, and Oakland, MD.  Well, Mr. Drobac, where do you really live?

“Before Casey had a chance to say a word, Santorum verbally attacked Casey.  Before Casey had a chance to answer his first question, Santorum lost his composure.”

[RWC] I didn’t watch the debate because political debates tend to be little more than shouting matches.  Therefore, I can’t vouch for Mr. Drobac’s representation.  That said, my personal experience is libs refer to as an attack even a calm, fact-based debate.

“If Santorum cannot maintain some type of predetermined decorum during a statewide television debate, then I cannot consider voting for him.”

[RWC] It’s funny, but I don’t recall seeing a letter from Mr. Drobac when Bill Clinton couldn’t “maintain some type of predetermined decorum” during a recent TV interview.

The idea Sen. Santorum’s alleged debate demeanor had anything to do with whether Mr. Drobac would consider voting for Sen. Santorum is hysterical.  As I noted above, this is at least the 25th anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican rant by Mr. Drobac since July 1, 2004, and at least the fourth specifically attacking Sen. Santorum.  It would probably be only a slight exaggeration to assert Mr. Drobac wouldn’t vote for any Republican even if you held a gun to his head.  How dumb does Mr. Drobac believe we are?

I should point out a potential problem with my belief Mr. Drobac would never vote for a Republican.  In his letter entitled “Why all the complaining …,” Mr. Drobac’s brother Stevan claimed Nikola voted for Rep. Hart in 2002 and 2004.  Perhaps supporting that allegation is the fact that in none of his Republican bashing letters since 2004 has Mr. Drobac specifically bashed Rep. Hart.  I suppose it’s possible Mr. Drobac voted for Rep. Hart, though I don’t know why he would given the positions espoused in his letters.

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