Stephen J. Dupree – 10/18/17


This page was last updated on October 27, 2017.

It’s time we demand Medicare for everyone; Stephen J. Dupree; Beaver County Times; October 18, 2017.

Below is a review of the subject letter.

“President Trump signed an executive order allowing for ‘lower cost’ and ‘lower benefit plans’ available to the public.  This plan reeks of Social Darwinism and un-American philosophy.”

[RWC] Obamacare itself is an example of an “un-American philosophy.” What “reeks” is forcing people to purchase stuff they don’t want.

Please read my paper “Healthcare.”

“It will price health care out of the hands of sick people who need it because it will make healthy people leave the ACA.  Those fleeing insurance company premiums will not get a plan as good as the ACA, and they are exposing themselves to risks that they are not used to.  So, either you go broke paying premiums, or go broke when you need health care.”

[RWC] This paragraph is confusing.  It appears SJD doesn’t know how Obamacare (ACA) works.  Obamacare forces us to buy medical care policies from insurance companies.

“Does this president not understand how insurance plans work?  The more people that you have in an insurance plan, the loss is spread over a greater number of people in that plan.  Premiums are set based on actuarial tables which asks the possibilities of how many people in the plan will need medical care, and determines the expected cost of paying for that care, plus paying for the health insurance companies costs and needed profit.  If only there was a plan that could cover all people in this county at a reasonable cost, with low overhead and administrative costs ... oh yeah, that is Medicare.”

[RWC] What leads SJD to believe “Medicare for All” “could cover all people in this county at a reasonable cost, with low overhead and administrative costs?”

 “As human beings, we all use health care at different parts of our lives.  If we all pay in when we are well and when we are sick, we can pay for the care we need at the time we need it.  It is time we all pulled together and demanded Medicare for all.”

[RWC] According to the NY Times, in December 2014 Vermont (Bernie Sanders’ home and a completely blue state at the federal and state levels) killed its plans for “a single payer health care system” because “no one could come up with a plan to offer quality coverage at an affordable cost.”  It appears Vermont is now trying something called an all-payer reimbursement system, but it still uses federal healthcare programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and so on.

You have to appreciate the “logic.”  Increasing government interference in the medical care market since World War II got us here, so the “solution” is to give complete control to government?

If you were ill and got progressively sicker because of your doctor’s actions, would you reward the doctor?  That’s what SJD wants us to do.

Please read my paper “Healthcare.”

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