Jeffrey Finch – 10/28/07

This page was last updated on November 4, 2007.

Stop complaining; Jeffrey Finch; Beaver County Times; October 28, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I have an idea for all of the people who are complaining about the taxes being levied on tobacco products: Stop buying the products.  It’s so ridiculous that everyone keeps complaining about the price of cigarettes when the solution is so simple.

“The same idea works for gasoline to an extent.  Buy a vehicle that uses less gas and you’ll save money at the pump.”

[RWC] What about those of us who can’t afford to buy a new car?  Mr. Finch also doesn’t acknowledge how much time it would take to recover the price of a new car via fuel consumption savings.

“Give up these things and you’ll quickly realize that you are saving yourself a lot of money, as well as saving the rest of us from your constant complaining.”

[RWC] Does anyone believe this would be Mr. Finch’s response if the government were placing confiscatory taxes on products he enjoyed?  As I’ve noted before, I don’t use tobacco products.

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