Vivienne R. Finch – 6/2/06

This page was last updated on June 2, 2006.

Take a stand; demand changes; Vivienne R. Finch; Beaver County Times; June 2, 2006.

This letter is typical of those we’ve seen from Ms. Finch since at least early 2005.  Ms. Finch’s specialty appears to be name-calling and making drive-by accusations without providing any supporting evidence.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I was talking with a couple of friends, and we started talking/complaining about the state of the country.

“We decided that there’s such a sense of hopelessness about what’s going on here that we feel that speaking out and protesting is pointless.  That needs to change.

“One thing we desperately need in federal and state governments is change.  The American people need to be heard.  Our president is hopeless.  He has been running amok since he was elected and no one seems to care.  He does as he pleases, no one will stand up to him and people pretty much ignore his arrogant behaviors.”

[RWC] People are “heard” when they vote.

“Health is a shame with so many people uninsured or underinsured.  The cost of drugs continues to be a problem, and drug companies with their millions of dollars buy whatever they want from our politicians.”

[RWC] Ms. Finch conflates healthcare insurance and healthcare.  No one in the U.S. goes without healthcare unless he makes that decision for himself.

“Everyone hates this, but no one will stand up to them either.”

[RWC] Note Ms. Finch doesn’t tell us what drug companies are doing wrong.

“This mess in Iraq needs to end.  Whatever damage or improvements have been made, let the Iraqis people deal with it and run their own country.  What right do we have to rule over other countries?”

[RWC] We don’t “rule over” Iraq.  Iraqis have governed themselves since June 2004.  They approved a constitution and elected a government under that constitution.

“The national debt is horrendous, and we keep spending.  There will be a high price to pay for that.”

[RWC] Does anyone who’s read her letters really believe Ms. Finch believes government is spending too much?  If a miracle happened and we eliminated all extraconstitutional spending and wasteful spending, I suspect Ms. Finch would be kicking and screaming.

“At the state level, Beaver County voters keep re-electing the same deadwood that hasn’t done anything worthwhile in 20 years.”

[RWC] Ms. Finch doesn’t tell us what she would consider “worthwhile.”

“What makes anyone think that they are going to start helping us out this year?”

[RWC] Note Ms. Finch doesn’t tell us what she means by “helping us out.”

“We all need to take a stand with something and demand changes before things get any worse.

“The only way we can do this is to get rid of the deadheads and immoral jerks who are holding office and replace them with men and women who have some integrity and grit and will fight for the needs of the American people instead of pursuing their own wants and needs.”

[RWC] I could be wrong, but I suspect as far as Ms. Finch is concerned, conservatives “who have some integrity and grit” need not apply.  I say that because it’s clear from her letters that Ms. Finch believes it’s the role of politicians to “help us out” and “fight for [our] needs.”  This is a socialist view of the world.

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