Daniel Frye – 6/20/12


This page was last updated on June 25, 2012.

Save the school bus; Daniel Frye; Beaver County Times; June 20, 2012.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Over the years, the iconic yellow school bus has served as a safe and efficient mode of transportation for millions of Pennsylvania school children.”

[RWC] I’ll go out on a limb and guess Mr. Frye would not like readers to know he likely did not write this letter.  A quick Google search found this same letter tweaked by different “authors” on GoErie.com (Erie Times-News), DailyAmerican.com, and TribDem.com (The Tribune-Democrat).  It’s fair to assume this letter was spammed to other publishers as well.  Media outlets usually don’t like to publish form letters.  The “authors” of the Daily American and Tribune-Democrat versions of the letter are the owners of “Hauger’s Bus Transportation” and “Miller Motor Co.,” respectively.  I don’t know if Mr. Frye has a connection to any local bus businesses.

“Unfortunately, Gov. Corbett’s proposed education budget could have the unintended consequence of ending this mode of transportation in many school districts across the state.

“The governor’s proposal would eliminate the existing school transportation formula and include bus transportation funding in a block grant, which may prompt school districts to eliminate bus routes or even end busing altogether.”

[RWC] By lumping all the funding (basic education, transportation, etc.) into a single grant, the effect is school districts and their taxpayers should have more control over how they spend their money.  Isn’t granting more control to school districts and their taxpayers a good thing?

“Student safety will be jeopardized.  Data shows students are 20 times more likely to arrive safely at school by bus compared to if a parent drives them.  School buses also reduce fuel costs for families, reduce emissions and minimize congestion on roads.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Frye didn’t cite the sources for his assertions.

“If Gov. Corbett’s budget and his cuts to school transportation funding are approved, 700 independent bus contractors across the state, employing more than 60,000 Pennsylvanians, face the threat of being put out of business.  Jobs and small businesses could also be impacted.

“Lawmakers need to consider the long-term implications of Corbett’s budget and the devastating impact it will have on the safe transportation of students to school, working families with school-age children and Pennsylvania jobs.”

[RWC] The purpose of taxpayer-funded school transportation is to get kids to and from school, not to provide jobs.  Besides, money not spent on transportation will be spent elsewhere, either by the school district or by taxpayers.

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