Bradley Guinn - 9/3/04

This page was last updated on September 4, 2004.

  Look elsewhere for cuts; Bradley Guinn; Beaver County Times; September 3, 2004.

Mr. Guinn is a busy writer.  He must be in panic mode about John Kerry.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan suggests that the government cut the Social Security and Medicare benefits for the baby boomers.”

[RWC] It’s a good idea.  Because I could recognize a Ponzi scheme when I saw one, I excluded Socialist Security and Medicare from my retirement planning when I was in my 20’s.  As a result, these scams can go belly up and I’ll be OK, unless the government takes my money to pay for others who did not plan wisely.

“Can’t he think of any better ways to save money?  I certainly can.”

“How about:

·        “Cutting foreign aid.”

[RWC] No argument from me about that.  If we give any foreign aid, I believe it should be of the one-time disaster relief type or should be directly related to our national security.

·        “Stop throwing endless millions of dollars down the rat hole called Iraq.”

[RWC] If you don’t care about national security, sure, let’s let Iraq turn into a haven in which terrorists can freely plot the next 9/11, the next Madrid bombing, the next Russian schoolhouse siege, et cetera.

·        “Rescinding the tax cuts given to the fat cats.”

[RWC] “Fat cats” got tax cuts because everyone got cuts.  What Mr. Guinn didn’t write was that the relative income tax burden of the wealthy actually increased.  That is, as a percentage of income taxes paid, the wealthy bear a larger share now than they did before the Bush tax cuts.

·        “Stop giving sweetheart contracts to Haliburton [sic], the company our vice president is no longer associated with.”

[RWC] Go here for a discussion of VP Cheney and Halliburton.

“I am sure others can think of many more sensible ways to economize.”

[RWC] I agree.  In addition to cutting Socialist Security and Medicare benefits, we can cut Medicaid, the Department of Education, agriculture subsidies, “grants” to local and state governments, federal highway funds, United Nations funding, et cetera.

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.