Robert Hacker – 10/12/04

This page was last updated on October 12, 2004.

Don’t be blind to Bush’s flaws; Robert Hacker; Beaver County Times; October 12, 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Osama bin Laden has been declared the world’s biggest terrorist because on Sept. 11, 2001, he directed his followers to use planes as bombs, killing nearly 3,000 people in an unprovoked, unnecessary attack without regard for innocent life.”

[RWC] Osama bin Laden was the “world’s biggest terrorist” long before 9/11.

“On the other hand, we have George W. Bush, president of the United States and supposed leader of the free world, who directed his people with planes and bombs, killing, by some estimated 20,000 to 30,000 Iraqis in an unprovoked, unnecessary attack without regard for innocent lives.”

[RWC] Whose estimate, Mr. Hacker?  In any case, it’s true innocent civilians will be killed during a war; it cannot be avoided.  Here’s a difference Mr. Hacker doesn’t understand.  While terrorists deliberately target defenseless civilians, we target terrorists.  Unfortunately, terrorists like to surround themselves with civilians for cover.  As a result, killing the terrorists will also result in the death of some innocents.  Even so, the reporting from Iraq indicates the coalition has gone to extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties.  In many cases, our soldiers put themselves at even greater risk in order to protect civilians.

“Now, I can hear all the Bush backers and super patriots doubting my patriotism by putting ‘W’ in the same sentence with bin Laden, let alone the same category.”

[RWC] I neither question nor vouch for Mr. Hacker’s patriotism because I don’t know him.  All I know is that it is misguided to try and equate President Bush with bin Laden.  It indicates either unbridled partisanship or an inability to distinguish right from wrong.

“Believing ‘W’ just because he said it is so is not called patriotism.  That’s called stupidity.  I’m as patriotic as most, and more so than some.  I’m just not blind.”

[RWC] Yes, Mr. Hacker, you are blind.  Most of us who support President Bush do so because we made an informed decision.

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