Betty Hazlett – 9/4/08

This page was last updated on September 8, 2008.

It isn’t about race or gender; Betty Hazlett; Beaver County Times; September 4, 2008.

In a previous letter I critiqued, Ms. Hazlett thought taxpayers paid for President Bush’s 2005 inauguration celebrations and in another she wanted us to ignore Mr. Obama’s relationship with Jeremiah Wright and asked “is Wright really all that wrong?”

This is only one of at least six letters in four days (9/4 – 9/7) from local lefties upset (worried?) about John McCain selecting – and Republican delegates approving – Gov. Sarah Palin as his VP candidate.  The “concern” has nothing to do with qualifications as the authors would have us believe.  It’s clear these folks are afraid of Mrs. Palin because it demonstrates even the Republican VP candidate has more relevant experience than the entire Democrat ticket, unless you consider being an ACORN street organizer relevant experience.  Let’s also keep in mind the questionable judgment of local lefties when it comes to their own choices.  Do names like Joseph Glenn, Frank LaGrotta, Darla LaValle, Edward Piroli, Sean Ramaley, Lois Sutter, and Mike Veon ring a bell?  Before lefties try to convince us Mr. McCain made a mistake, perhaps they need to look in the mirror.

And what of Mr. Obama’s choices?  For a candidate who incessantly talks about “change” and “hope,” why does Mr. Obama surround himself with the same lefty activists, advisers, and politicians we’ve seen since at least the 1990s?  Why would a true change agent select as his VP running mate a 35-year Washington insider (Joe Biden)?

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Does John McCain think we are stupid or what?”

[RWC] It’s clear Ms. Hazlett believes “we are stupid.”

“It’s plain to see he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate because she is a woman.  He is trying to appeal to all the Hillary Clinton supporters to get their votes.”

[RWC] Gee, nothing condescending about that comment, is there?  Ms. Palin has an impressive – though brief – résumé, but Ms. Hazlett demeans Ms. Palin by claiming Mr. McCain selected her only “because she is a woman.”

Sorry, but I believe Mr. McCain was trying to solidify support from evil conservatives.  Face it, Mr. McCain can win without disgruntled “Hillary Clinton supporters,” but he can’t win without Republican conservatives.  Besides, Clinton supporters – PO’d or not – are still leftists and most will eventually get over their current disappointment and vote for Mr. Obama come November.  In my opinion, for the McCain campaign to assume otherwise would be stupid and I don’t believe they’re stupid.

“Meanwhile, he has been saying that Barrack Obama doesn’t have enough experience.”

[RWC] I believe it’s more accurate to say Mr. Obama has NO relevant experience, though the Obama campaign is actually claiming that running a campaign counts as relevant experience.  No, I’m not joking.

“Yet his choosing Palin contradicts that.

“He is using her as a pawn.  She appears to be a strong, intelligent and attractive woman, and she’s climbed the political ladder in Alaska in a fairly short time.”

[RWC] Ms. Hazlett fails to note Gov. Palin “climbed the political ladder” while fighting incumbents and corruption in her own party.  Mr. Obama?  He’s a product of the Chicago political machine who got the support of “all the right people.”  Mr. Obama has no record of bucking his party, as do both Mr. McCain and Mrs. Palin, yet he’s the one claiming to be a change agent.  If Mr. Obama is such a change agent, why did he pick a 35-year Washington insider [Joe Biden (D-DE)] as his running mate?

“However, she’s only been governor for 20 months.  We have to consider that if McCain should die before completing his term that she would be commander in chief.”

[RWC] For how many months has Barack Obama – or Joe Biden for that matter – been a governor, or a mayor?  Perhaps Ms. Hazlett believes Mr. Obama’s street organizer experience is equivalent to being a small town mayor or being the governor of the largest state in the Union.  Do Obama supporters really want to compare his experience with that of Gov. Palin?  I know the McCain/Palin campaign would love it.  Ms. Hazlett jumped into this trap with both feet.

Regarding Ms. Palin taking over for Mr. McCain, what executive experience does Mr. Biden have to recommend him should he have to take over for Mr. Obama?

“McCain said his criteria for choosing a running mate was to have someone who shares his views, opinions, etc., and he shares George Bush’s.”

[RWC] Didn’t Ms. Hazlett tell us above Mr. McCain “chose Sarah Palin as his running mate because she is a woman?”  Which is it, Ms. Hazlett?

“Do you want four more years of the last eight, with troops fighting and losing their lives at a greater rate than the number of lives lost in Sept. 11, 2001, an economy in turmoil because of unemployment and home foreclosures and thousands without health care?”

[RWC] Wow, an entire laundry list in one sentence!  Regarding “an economy in turmoil because of unemployment,” the same unemployment rate during the Clinton administration was referred to as “already-low.”  Regarding “home foreclosures,” what did President Bush have to do with that?  Lenders and borrowers entered into bad risk mortgages and now they are paying for it.  Regarding “health care,” what does the President have to do with that?  Isn’t it a personal responsibility?

“This election should not be based on race or gender.  We should vote for whom we believe will lead this country in the right direction.

“Palin is accused of wanting her brother-in-law fired after he divorced her sister.  Do we want someone that vindictive when things don’t go her way?”

[RWC] Have you noticed the left is quick to believe unsubstantiated rumors about American conservatives, but believes terrorists captured on the battlefield are innocent until – or even if – proven guilty?

Here are the facts as I know them.  First, all of this stuff happened before Mrs. Palin became governor.

Ms. Hazlett failed to note the state trooper “brother-in-law” (Mike Wooten) tasered his 10-year-old stepson, was caught drinking beer and driving while under the influence in his patrol car, and threatened the life of Mrs. Palin’s (and her sister’s) father among other things.  As the result of its investigation, the Alaska State Troopers suspended Mr. Wooten for 10 days.  The suspension was later reduced to five days after a union appeal.  Because of personnel privacy laws, the Palins were never informed of the results of the investigation.

As noted above, all this happened in 2005/early 2006, months before Mrs. Palin took office as governor.  On a side note, why would a trooper displaying this behavior only get a suspension?  FYI, this discipline apparently hasn’t deterred Mr. Wooten.  Allegedly he’s still taunting the extended Palin family.

Finally, Mr. Wooten hasn’t been fired and the guy who could have fired him, former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, stated, “For the record, no one ever said fire Wooten.  Not the governor.  Not Todd.  Not any of the other staff.”  In any case, Gov. Palin called for an investigation by the Alaska personnel board’s independent counsel and the report is expected by October 10, 2008.

“I don’t think so.  Hide the red button.”

[RWC] I love how Gov. Palin scares lefties like Ms. Hazlett.

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