Thomas Hughes – 4/20/16


This page was last updated on May 1, 2016.

Who are these delegates to the conventions?; Thomas Hughes; Beaver County Times; April 20, 2016.

If you’re not familiar with Mr. Hughes, he’s a flamethrower.  In a 2015 letter-to-the-editor, Mr. Hughes said he was 60 years old.  Previous Hughes letters I reviewed are here and here.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The American voters don’t know who these delegates are for the presidential nominations.”

[RWC] This will be a short review.  You’ll find Mr. Hughes mixed up delegates in primary elections with the Electoral College.

“I guess they’re the ones who tell us what’s in our best interests.  It’s time we tell these invisible delegates where to get off.  If they’re telling the American people that their vote doesn’t count, why do we have primary elections?  We need to stop this now.

“We have 538 people in government telling 300 million people what to do.  Does anybody see a problem with this?  They make millions and we make $7 an hour.  Our $7 an hour is making them rich while we are starving.  Is this good for us?  You make the call.  It’s time to stop government corruption.”

[RWC] Here’s an example showing Mr. Hughes needs to pay attention.  On the same day the BCT published this Hughes letter, it also published a Mike Rogalla letter complaining about PA’s closed primary system.  Since the letters were published the same day, I expected Mr. Hughes to be familiar with the Rogalla letter.  Several days later, the BCT published a Karen Baker (KB) letter in response.  The second sentence of the KB letter reads, “A recent letter writer complained about the disenfranchisement of many voters who cannot vote in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary on April 26 because they are registered as independents.”

Commenting on the KB letter on the BCT website, Mr. Hughes wrote, “Karen.  Who’s complaining?  I don’t know anyone.”  I responded, “Ms. Baker answered Mr. Hughes’ question in her letter.”  Below is the entire thread as of May 1, 2016.  Based on the content of the comment, it appears “chad32” is another screen name used by Mr. Hughes.  I could be mistaken, though, because the chad32 comment doesn’t have the flamethrower content typical of Hughes comments and letters.


thughes2222 Apr 25, 2016 1:17pm

Karen.  Who’s complaining?  I don’t know anyone.


sdcox Apr 26, 2016 12:23pm (In case you’re wondering about “sdcox,” our household BCT subscription is my brother’s.  I “sign” my comments so they’re not mistaken for my brother’s.)

Ms. Baker answered Mr. Hughes’ question in her letter.

On 4/20/2016, the BCT published a letter entitled “Primary election process disenfranchises many voters” (link below), the same day the BCT published “Who are these delegates to the conventions?” from Mr. Hughes.  In her letter, Ms. Baker wrote, “A recent letter writer complained about the disenfranchisement of many voters … because they are registered as independents.”

“Primary election process …”:

Robin Cox


chad32 Apr 26, 2016 12:23pm

Robin. My letter was in relation to the corrupt voting system. I also wrote a letter (not published) that every voter should be able to vote for anyone in any election. All elections should be general elections. Everybody votes. When you register independent, you know you can’t vote in primaries. Only one person is complaining? Don’t read the rules, that’s your problem. Don’t complain.


sdcox Apr 26, 2016 10:41pm

chad32, I’m confused.  The only point of my comment was to show Mr. Hughes should have known the answer to his question because the Baker letter answered it. 

You didn’t provide a link or a title so I don’t know where your letter “in relation to the corrupt voting system” fits in.  From what you’ve written here, though, neither Ms. Baker’s letter nor my comment were about or referred to your letter’s topic.

Robin Cox

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