Ed Hum – 1/31/07

This page was last updated on February 1, 2007.

Put U.S. troops with Kurds; Edward J. Hum; Beaver County Times; January 31, 2007.

Mr. Hum led off his letter from September 2005 with, “Fellow Republicans, this is my last letter about George W. Bush.”  I responded with, “Anyone taking bets?”  This is Mr. Hum’s 11th anti-Bush letter since his September 2005 promise, and at least his 20th anti-Bush and/or anti-Republican letter since July 2004.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The best idea I’ve heard is to withdraw our troops into Kurdish areas of Iraq.”

[RWC] Wow, Mr. Hum forgot to lead off with his traditional “fellow Republicans.”

“The Kurds love us and we would still have forces near the oil.”

[RWC] How can this be?  I thought everyone hated the U.S.

“Let Sunnis and Shiites settle it themselves.”

[RWC] FYI, the Kurds are predominantly Sunni.

“I see there are anti-war protesters.  Never forget the protestors who got us out of Vietnam.  Kids went to Canada to avoid the draft, kids like Dick Cheney got educational deferments to avoid the draft and kids like George W. Bush joined the National Guard to avoid the draft.”

[RWC] “I see there are anti-war protesters?”  Where has Mr. Hum been?  There have been anti-war protesters since before we went after al-Qaida in Afghanistan.  Oddly, these protesters never seem to get around to protesting against our enemies.

Note how Mr. Hum equates draft dodgers running to Canada with being a fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard.

Please see my critique of Mr. Hum’s 10/6/06 editorial for more on this topic.

“Thank goodness for the Vietnam War protestors who helped get us out of ’Nam.”

[RWC] Mr. Hum does realize it was presidents (JFK & LBJ) from his “side of the aisle” that got us into Vietnam, right?

In any case, Mr. Hum doesn’t explain what was good about defeating ourselves.

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