Ed Hum – 9/19/07

This page was last updated on September 22, 2007.

Beef up the U.S. military; Edward J. Hum; Beaver County Times; September 19, 2007.

Most of Mr. Hum’s at least 27 letters since July 2004 have been exercises in bashing President Bush and/or other Republicans.  Though Mr. Hum regularly identifies himself as a Republican in his letters, that would be like me claiming to be a Democrat.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Fellow Republicans, we will be stuck in Iraq for years to come.”

[RWC] Ah, Mr. Hum is back on his “Fellow Republicans” kick.  Until January 2007, this had been Mr. Hum’s traditional leadoff.  Of Mr. Hum’s approximately seven 2007 letters, however, I believe this is the first to use this greeting.

“But as President Bush says, in 30 years, when the Middle East is peaceful and prosperous, we will realize how right he was.  Why should Bush wait until he is 90 years old to be so honored?

“Let Congress speed up the process.  Bring back the draft and the 8-million-person armed forces.  Allow the Bush daughters and the children and grandchildren of members of Congress to serve along with ordinary citizens.  That would be enough force to police Iraq, help 2 million Iraqi refugees and renew the Middle East.”

[RWC] I have two observations.  First, why in recent history is it always liberals who lobby for reinstating the draft?  Second, wasn’t it liberals that lobbied to kill the draft in the 1970s?

“All this paid for with Iraqi oil revenue, and a Nobel Prize for Bush before he is seventy.”

[RWC] Given the rogues gallery of Nobel Peace Prize recipients – which includes dead terrorist Yasser Arafat (1994) and another recipient (Betty Williams - 1976) who said in 2006 and repeated in 2007, “I would love to kill George Bush,” who in their right mind would want one?

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