Patti Jenkins – 4/12/05

This page was last updated on April 14, 2005.

Not getting anywhere; Patti Jenkins; Beaver County Times; April 12, 2005.

Another “woe is me” letter.  This is the type of person liberals cultivate and love.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“How can we live in this society today?

“Gas prices up, taxes up, food prices up, health insurance up and wages low with no increase in income.

“I feel sorry for the senior citizens today who can’t afford to pay for their medicine, and some of them go without taking their medication so they can buy food.”

[RWC] And probably not even real food; it’s probably dog food! <g>

“Many Americans have no health insurance because they cannot afford it.”

[RWC] Not having health insurance is not the same as not having healthcare.

“The president and members of Congress are not helping us.  It is nice they have health insurance and get a raise every year.  They can afford to feed their families and give them a decent education.”

[RWC] Only families of Congressmen are fed and receive a decent education?

“The government is taking care of everyone else except its own people.  I feel abandoned today.  It is like you try so hard to survive yet you’re not getting anywhere.”

[RWC] It’s not the government’s job to take care of us.  We as individuals are solely responsible for our lives.

“We need a change.  There has to be a solution to the problems that are accruing today.  I wish I knew the answers.”

[RWC] The answer is simple.  Take control of your life and stop waiting for someone to come along and take care of you.

Can you imagine Ms. Jenkins living in the 1800s?

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