Paul Kahr – 8/23/06

This page was last updated on August 23, 2006.

Judges, liberals are traitors; Paul Kahr; Beaver County Times; August 23, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This country just about had another tragic day like Sept. 11, 2001, recently.

“If the federal government had not listened in on those terrorists, we could have lost 2,500 to 3,000 or more Americans again.

“Thank God that we have people who want to protect our people.

“Then last week, we hear about the U.S. district judge in Michigan who wants us to stop listening in on these terrorists’ conversation - and she calls herself an American.  I call her exactly what she is - a traitor in time of war.

“What is going on in her head?  How much of her gray matter is she using?  Not much is the way I see it.

“Now, we are going to hear from the other liberal traitors who sit in Congress, you know, the same ones.  I wonder what they are hiding.  The government is not listening in on their phone calls.  You can see that the feds got this one correct.

“The ‘Forrest Gump’ movie stated it right, ‘Stupid is as stupid does,’ and the stupid ones in the Congress and state House keep doing stupid things and making stupid statements.

“But what do you expect from liberals?”

[RWC] Mr. Kahr could have written a well-considered letter criticizing Judge Taylor’s ruling, but instead he took the road well traveled by most of his opposition; that is, ranting and name-calling.

While I agree the actions of Judge Taylor and most liberals are misguided, I don’t believe most of these folks could be credibly be labeled traitors.  Though I agree the actions of these folks often can be hard to distinguish from those of traitors, motivation is the key.  Traitors want the U.S. defeated.  I assume people like Judge Taylor are just wrong, not traitors.

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