Jean Kashiwsky – 9/30/04

This page was last updated on October 7, 2004.

GOP goes negative; Jean Kashiwsky; Beaver County Times; September 30, 2004.

Ms. Kashiwsky’s first mistake was to identify herself as a Kerry campaign worker.  Regardless of the party, I don’t believe anything a campaign worker says unless I personally know the person.

If what Ms. Kashiwsky claims about insults is true, that is indeed unacceptable behavior.

Truthfully, though, I suspect this is merely a counterstrike to what I heard on a local morning talk show.  A significant number of Bush supporters reported having their cars and yards vandalized after displaying Bush-Cheney bumper stickers and yard signs.  One guy caught the perpetrator red-handed and turned him over to a police officer who was going by.  To make matters worse for the vandal, the police officer smelled alcohol on the vandal’s breath.  A breath analyzer test showed the vandal was legally drunk, so he was also charged with DUI.  Do I believe more than a few Kerry supporters behave like this or condone the behavior?  Of course not.

10/7/04 -      Now that we have Bush campaign offices with targeted thefts of documents, will we see a letter from Ms. Kashiwsky?  What about the Bush campaign offices that have been the targets of gunfire?  What about the AFL-CIO coordinated event in which Democrat protesters forced their way into campaign offices across the country, in some cases pushing and shoving the Bush campaign workers?  Will Ms. Kashiwsky decry that behavior which is far worse than the alleged rudeness she reported from the GOP?  Perhaps we already have the answer.  At the end of her letter, Ms. Kashiwsky wrote, “I will never condone such rude and dangerous behavior by the opposition.”  She did not say she wouldn’t tolerate “rude and dangerous behavior” from Democrats.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“After another obscene gesture was motioned toward me in traffic, I feel compelled to write this letter to all the supporters of George Bush.”

[RWC] Apparently Ms. Kashiwsky assumes that anyone who behaves poorly toward her must be a President Bush supporter.  Nowhere does Ms. Kashiwsky tell us how she identified the alleged rude people as Bush supporters.

“I have worked on political campaigns for 24 years and have never experienced such hostility.  My fellow campaign workers and I have been cut off in traffic, had obscene gestures made at us, been shouted at and have had notes taped to our cars - all of this because we are displaying our First Amendment right supporting the Kerry/Edwards presidential ticket.

“U.S. Sen. John Kerry, a Vietnam War hero, and U.S. Sen. John Edwards have repeatedly asked for a positive campaign - a campaign of issues.”

[RWC] Yeah, sure.  Kerry only started worrying about a “positive” campaign after the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth came on the scene.  Kerry himself didn’t have any problem equating President Bush with a draft dodger and wasn’t concerned about the ads comparing Bush to Hitler.

“Apparently, the GOP has no issues to lean on, so it has resorted to negativism and trying to destroy the oppositions’ characters.  The average Bush supporter is obviously taking his cue from Karl Rove and his cronies.”

[RWC] Let me get this straight.  Ms. Kashiwsky wants us to believe the average Republican cuts off people in traffic, makes obscene gestures, and shouts at Kerry campaign workers.  How stupid does Ms. Kashiwsky think we are?  I’m sure there are some morons who behave like this in all political parties, but does anyone believe they represent the average member of the party?

Frankly, I feel sorry for Kerry supporters.  I wouldn’t worsen their lot by hurling insults at them.

“As a proud American and Kerry/Edwards volunteer, I will work tirelessly to ensure that we have a stronger and better America.”

[RWC] If this statement is true, Ms. Kashiwsky is working for the wrong candidate.

“A lively debate is always welcomed by me, but I will never condone such rude and dangerous behavior by the opposition.  It is a shame that some people must resort to such infantile behavior.”

[RWC] I find the only debate a liberal wants is one in which only the liberal talks and everyone else must listen.  If you want a real discussion or disagree with a position, you are questioning the liberal’s patriotism or you are stupid.  If you doubt my “stupid” assertion, just read some recent letters to the editor from the anti-Bush crowd.

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.