Stephen F. Kislock, III – 1/16/11


This page was last updated on January 18, 2011.

Right-wing should be on defensive; Stephen F. Kislock, III; Beaver County Times; January 16, 2011.

Most of Mr. Kislock’s 59+ letters over the last six years have been Republican-bashing exercises, though he sometimes goes after Democrats for his pet causes.  Sometime during 2009 Mr. Kislock became an in-house commentator for Beaver County RedsPlease follow this link to learn more about Beaver County Reds.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“The far-right wing hatemongers are on the defensive.  It was the hate and violence that they spouted that lead to the tragic shooting in Arizona.”

[RWC] Since when?  I guess Mr. Kislock didn’t get the memo that nobody was buying this BS and the lefty focus is now the old fallback of gun control.  To see this is a regular tactic of the left, please read my critique of “Terrorists within.”

Anyone familiar with Mr. Kislock’s letter-writing body of work has to get a chuckle out of him accusing other of being “hatemongers.”

“In Arizona today, a number of Republicans resigned their leadership positions over fear of the Tea Party.  (Sophia Johnson, Roger Dickinson, Jeff Kolb and Anthony Miller, with the latter saying, ‘I don’t want to take a bullet for anyone.’”

[RWC] If the allegations made by Mr. Miller et al are true, that is truly sad and wrong.

“South Florida right-wing talk show host Joyce Kaufman is known for ‘Proud member of the angry mob and I vote;’ ‘Violent revolution if the Republicans didn’t win the midterm elections;’ and ‘If ballots don’t work, bullets will.’  How many who heard this were intimidated?”

[RWC] How can anyone be intimidated by a talk show host?  FYI, I never heard of Ms. Kaufman until this letter.

When real voter intimidation took place, Mr. Kislock didn’t complain when the DOJ dropped charges (after the DOJ won the case) against New Black Panther Party members for voter intimidation during the 2008 election.  These NBPP members were caught on video at a Philadelphia polling place wearing military-style clothing with one wielding a billy club/nightstick to intimidate voters.

“Jim David Adkisson, who killed two and wounded six at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Knoxville, was influenced by Bernard Goldberg’s ‘100 People who are screwing up America.’  Most were Democrats and liberals.  Adkisson wrote: ‘This was a symbolic killing.  Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate and House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book.’”

[RWC] Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) kept a repeatedly read copy of Al Gore’s “Earth in the Balance” with him.  Does that mean Mr. Gore’s brand of environmentalism bears some responsibility for Mr. Kaczynski’s murders?

“The far-right Beck, Limbaugh, Dobbs, etc., are telling people to arm and resist government takeover.  We know propaganda works.  If repeated enough, the lie becomes the truth.”

[RWC] If Messrs. “Beck, Limbaugh, Dobbs, etc.” had done as Mr. Kislock claims, I’m reasonably sure his letter would not have been the first we heard of it.

As for “We know propaganda works …,” Mr. Kislock knows whereof he speaks.  As noted above, Mr. Kislock is an in-house propagandist for Beaver County Reds.

In conclusion, I have no evidence Mr. Kislock’s writings influenced the Arizona shooter.

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