Steve Klim – 10/14/04

This page was last updated on October 14, 2004.

Looks tell us a lot; Steve Klim; Beaver County Times; October 14, 2004.

This letter is so idiotic I probably should not have wasted my time to critique it, but I did.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“Voters, open your eyes.  Kerry looks like a lion.  Bush looks like a puppy dog with his tail between his legs.”

[RWC] This reminds me of the old playground standby when you had nothing intelligent to say, “Oh yeah?  Your mother wears combat boots.”

“Wake up, people.  Al Qaida, which was based in Afghanistan, was responsible for Sept. 11, 2001, not Iraq.”

[RWC] No kidding.  I guess Mr. Klim missed it when we attacked al-Qaida and the Taliban in Afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11.  On a side note, Afghanistan just held a democratic election less than three years after we drove out the Taliban and al-Qaida.

The Bush administration never claimed Iraq played a role in 9/11.  In fact, the Bush administration said all along there was no evidence to suggest Iraq was involved in 9/11.  The reasons we attacked Iraq are contained in the Iraq War Resolution approved by Congress.

“Bush is killing our people and giving our money to other countries.”

[RWC] Who is President Bush killing?  Has Mr. Klim reported this to the police?

© 2004 Robert W. Cox, all rights reserved.