Marian Onufryk Kutzner – 2/27/08

This page was last updated on February 27, 2008.

Why not a woman president?; Marian Onufryk Kutzner; Beaver County Times; February 27, 2008.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“I have to admit that for president this year I have been going back and forth between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

[RWC] That’s no surprise for liberals.  When you dig below the campaign rhetoric, there’s not a sliver of difference between the two when it comes to their positions on the issues.

“I thought a woman might not be able to run our country as well as a man.”

[RWC] Hmm, I guess Ms. Kutzner didn’t notice British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

“It then occurred to me that we have women in all walks of life doing the same jobs that men do and they’ve been doing it for a long time.

“We have women doctors, lawyers, teachers, judges, truck drivers, construction workers, just to name a few professional and blue-collar occupations held by women.

“How can I forget to mention stay-at-homes mothers?  They not only take care of the children.  They also run the household, from shopping, paying the bills, cooking and cleaning to driving the kids all over — whether it is cheerleading or football practice, back and forth to school or to part-time jobs.

“If we can do all these jobs, then I have confidence that a woman can run our country.

“So, I’m asking others to join me this year in voting for Clinton for president.”

[RWC] Did you note what’s missing?  Other than being a woman, Ms. Kutzner didn’t list a single thing that qualifies Mrs. Clinton to be President.

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