Julie LaMunion – 9/9/09

This page was last updated on September 9, 2009.

Reaction to Obama speech unbelievable; Julie LaMunion; Beaver County Times; September 9, 2009.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“When I came home from work on Friday and opened my son’s book bag, I found a letter from the school about President Barack Obama’s speech to the young people on Tuesday.

“It was a ‘Do not let my child watch President Obama’s speech’ permission slip.

“I was appalled to witness such a thing.  This is our president.  Whether you voted for him or not, he is our country’s leader.

“I asked my son if he wanted to watch it, just to see what he would say.  He said yes.  Why would anyone not let their child get advice from the president?  Do they even ask their children if they want to watch it?”

[RWC] I’ll give Ms. LaMunion the benefit of the doubt and assume she didn’t know the original plans for the speech.  Please read my critique of the editorial “Unbelievable” for details.

“I understand that people have rights, but I have never seen anything like this and can’t help to wonder why this came about.

“I think it is awful that this would happen in our country of freedom.”

[RWC] How is this anti-freedom?  The school wanted to be sure it was giving its students’ parents the choice to decide for themselves.  It would have been anti-freedom had the school made the decision one way or the other for all students.

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