Doug Lauffer – 8/17/14


This page was last updated on August 17, 2014.

All immigrants are not extremists; Doug Lauffer; Beaver County Times; August 17, 2014.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“As American citizens it’s time we realize that there are extremist groups of every religious and ethnic belief in the world.  We should not place any American citizen in this extremist spotlight.

“There seems to be inordinate discrimination against American Muslims.”

[RWC] Note Mr. Lauffer gives not one example of “inordinate discrimination against American Muslims” or any other legal immigrant.

“There’s been so much discrimination of different people in America, past and present.  When immigrants have lived the American way, they became productive, honorable citizens and they are not extremist.

“During World War II, we had Italians and Germans in our armed forces fighting their cousins in Europe.  Unfortunately, we didn’t see Japanese citizens as being loyal to the U.S. at that time.  We exiled to internment camps 110,000 Japanese, of whom 65 percent were U.S. citizens.”

[RWC] Though on a smaller scale, Italians and Germans also were sent to internment camps.

“As always, we have to be aware and on guard for those radicals with a warped sense of loyalty to their old extremist dogmas.

“However, let us not condemn our new citizens -- the new immigrants -- because of their ethnic and religious backgrounds or heritage.”

[RWC] What caused Mr. Lauffer to write this letter?

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