Carol Lindley – 11/10/10


This page was last updated on November 10, 2010.

What’s happening to our country?; Carol Lindley; Beaver County Times; November 10, 2010.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“I cannot believe what I’m hearing and what I see happening in our country.

“Companies/executives outsourcing our jobs to India without even considering the consequences we now face, not to mention the future.  To think they would send private, confidential medical records to foreign countries just makes my skin crawl.”

[RWC] I believe Ms. Lindley is upset about “offshoring,” not “outsourcing.”  Outsourcing is when a business contracts with another business to perform some functions.  For example, a business may contract with a janitorial business for cleaning services instead of doing the cleaning with its own employees.  In this case, Heritage Valley is both outsourcing and offshoring.

“People should be angry and outraged.  Instead of these companies acting responsibly and trying to settle business here, it’s much easier just to send records abroad.  When, if ever, will these people wake up and do what’s right for the United States?”

[RWC] I’m not privy to Heritage Valley financials, but consider the following.  Businesses have a fiduciary responsibility to its owners (including you, me, and pension funds).  This is true even for not-for-profit businesses.  Businesses make the decisions they need to in order to survive and succeed.  Otherwise, they close up shop and/or go into bankruptcy.  Would Ms. Lindley prefer businesses continue to operate in the U.S. until they (we shareholders) go bust?  Other than the lefty cry of “greed and power,” Ms. Lindley never addresses what government and labor union management actions may be responsible.  I guess it’s just easier to paint business as bad guys.

“No wonder our country is in such a mess.  Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything.  I hope and pray our young people get involved and start to understand what’s happening with their country and government.  It’s not a pretty picture.  I hate to see what our country will look like 20 years from now.”

[RWC] Ms. Lindley wrote, “Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything.”  Remember this when you read the next paragraph.

“I’m not holding President Barack Obama accountable for this mess, either.  He’s getting blamed for everything.  This started many years ago.  This is all happening because of greed and power.”

[RWC] You have to love Ms. Lindley’s blind spot or chutzpah.  After telling us “Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything,” Ms. Lindley claims Mr. Obama is “getting blamed for everything” while it appears even after almost two years in office he can’t go one day without blaming George W. Bush for something.  Ms. Lindley may not know Mr. Obama supports/supported every leftist policy/program that got us where we are.

“Maybe we should send all non-caring, irresponsible CEOs and executives to India.  Just maybe we’d enjoy a better world.”

[RWC] Name-calling.

“God bless us all.”

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